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Help Us Create An Early Non-Fiction Collection!

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Presentation on theme: "Help Us Create An Early Non-Fiction Collection!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Help Us Create An Early Non-Fiction Collection!
Prepared By: Angie Suwalkowski, Media Specialist September 2009

2 Goals Create an Early Non-Fiction collection of books for our early readers (Kindergarten – 2nd grade) Create comfortable seating areas for reading

3 Early Non-Fiction Collections Across the District
Baldwin-2000 Hugger-1481 Longmeadow-730 Brewster-730 Brooklands-679 Meadowbrook-668 North Hill-520 McGregor-500 Hamlin-344 Hampton-none Delta Kelly-none

4 Comfy Cozy Seating! Sofa $212 Round bench $114 Square bench $98 Colors Available: Red, Yellow, Green and Blue Chair $131 Chair $131 Sofa $212 Chair $131 Sofa $212 Chair $131 Sofa $212 Help us purchase some cool and comfy seating for our new Early Non-Fiction Section in the Media Center! Contact Mrs. Suwalkowski if you’d like to make a donation. Help us purchase some cool and comfy seating for our new Early Non-Fiction Section in the Media Center! Contact Mrs. Suwalkowski if you’d like to make a donation. Help us purchase some cool and comfy seating for our new Early Non-Fiction Section in the Media Center! Contact Mrs. Suwalkowski if you’d like to make a donation. Colors Available: Red, Yellow, Green and Blue Colors Available: Red, Yellow, Green and Blue Colors Available: Red, Yellow, Green and Blue Square bench $98 Round bench $114 Square bench $98 Round bench $114 Square bench $98 Round bench $114

5 How Can You Help? Adopt a Book Adopt a Seat
Visit Musson’s Media Center website for forms and info!

6 Additional Info We do not receive any funding from the district, so we are very appreciative of PTA funding for our students! Average price of a new library book is $20.82 Number of books in Musson’s collection: 12,454 Average age of entire collection: 1991 Schools with well-developed library media programs average 10% - 18% higher reading scores. Well developed programs are indicated by staffing level, collection size and age, and expenditures. Source:

7 Thank you for your time and support!

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