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Planned Giving Survey Friday, December 21, 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Planned Giving Survey Friday, December 21, 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planned Giving Survey Friday, December 21, 2018

2 Q1: Fundraisers are generally intimidated by wealthy people
Q1: Fundraisers are generally intimidated by wealthy people. Our profession needs help learning to converse comfortably about money.

3 Q2: Most fundraisers have a blind spot with politics when it comes to raising money.

4 Q3: More fundraisers need to be educated about wealth, how the wealthy think, and about money in general.

5 Q4: The nonprofit sector has a lot to learn from how for-profit businesses operate.

6 Q5: Blended gifts are the future of fundraising
Q5: Blended gifts are the future of fundraising. More than ever, today’s fundraisers need to be comfortable talking about major gifts and planned giving.

7 Q6: Do you read Planned Giving Tomorrow, our quarterly magazine since 2007?
Answered: Skipped: 28

8 Q7: We're changing Planned Giving Tomorrow from a quarterly to a monthly,  with a higher level of professional content, surveys, and more — completely ad-free with a small subscription fee to non-clients.

9 Q8: What other publications do you subscribe to?
Answered: Skipped: 36

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