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Analyzing Financial Statements

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Presentation on theme: "Analyzing Financial Statements"— Presentation transcript:

1 Analyzing Financial Statements
Financial Information Balance Sheet Income Statement Cash Flow Statement Financial Ratios Trends Industry Norms Industry/Competitive Analysis

2 Cooking the Books Aggressive application of accounting rules Estimates

3 Overstating Revenues Selling to Related Entities Stuffing the Channels
The party must be an “arms length” Stuffing the Channels Excessive quantities to distributors/retailers Extended credit terms Installment sales at Low Interest Rates Artificially low interest rate to calculated time-adjusted cash flows = higher recognized Revenues

4 Overstating Revenues Using funds from Over-funded Reserves
Reserves obligation will fluctuate Using over-funded Reserves can result in under-funding at later accounting periods. Treat Nonrecurring Dispositions as Ordinary Income “Below-the-line” gains are nonrecurring Can over-state Income from normal business operations

5 Overstating Revenues Record Income for Future Services
“Bundled price” includes deferred expenses May underestimate value of future services to over-state current Revenues

6 Understating Expenses
Unrealistic Depreciation/Amortization Allowable to use a different method for public financial reports from Tax (IRS) reporting Capitalize Questionable Expenses Capitalization or Expense? Capitalization = deferred expenses Match Expenses to Revenues

7 Understating Expenses
Ignore the cost of Stock Options When exercised Increases outstanding shares and affects EPS Loss of value to company if strike price below market price How to value? Must have some value to have meaning to recipient Valuation methods require making assumptions

8 Overstate Assets or Understate Liabilities
Delay Recognizing Declining Asset Value Dressing up the Balance Sheet Accounts Receivable and Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Loans Receivable and Allowance for Bad Debt Inventory and Allowance for Obsolete Inventory Fixed Assets and writing off obsolete assets Investments and unrealistic market valuation Conservatism requires the Accountant to understate assets

9 Failure to Disclose Liabilities
Must disclose all liabilities Pending lawsuits Pension costs Toxic cleanup Deferred Executive compensation Use Unconsolidated Debt Offload debt from one affiliated to another Dresses up Balance Sheet Relationships must be reported in footnotes

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