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The Life Of Christ Lesson Four – The Beginning Of Christ’s Ministry

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1 The Life Of Christ Lesson Four – The Beginning Of Christ’s Ministry
Jesus’ First Disciples – John 1:35-51 Jesus’ First Miracle – John 2:1-11 Jesus Cleanses the Temple – John 2:13-25 Jesus and Nicodemus – John 3:1-21 John’s Second Testimony – John 3:22-36

2 Jesus Cleanses The Temple John 2:1-11
The occasion: “The Passover of the Jews was near and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.” Exodus 12; Deuteronomy 16:5-8. A crowded scene in Jerusalem: Josephus, 256,000 lambs sacrificed one year with 10 men per lamb. The first of four such references: John 5:1; 6:4; 11:55, which gives us a time span for His ministry. The scene in the temple: merchants selling oxen, sheep and doves and “money changers.” What do many people try to use this passage for?

3 Jesus Cleanses The Temple John 2:1-11
The scene in the temple: merchants selling oxen, sheep, and doves and “money changers.” Practiced as a convenience for those who journeyed a distance who would need sacrifices and dues for their worship in the court of the Gentiles. What do many people try to use this passage for?

4 Jesus Cleanses The Temple



7 Jesus Cleanses The Temple John 2:1-11
What Jesus did: “He made a scourge of cords and drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen.” “He poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables” What do many people try to use this passage for?

8 Jesus Cleanses The Temple John 2:1-11
What Jesus said: “Take these things away; stop making My Father’s house a place of business” Luke 2:49; Hebrews 3:6 “Business” or “merchandise” from the Greek word emporion which means a “mart” – Where we get the English word “emporium” – a store for the purpose of making a profit. What do many people try to use this passage for?

9 Jesus Cleanses The Temple John 2:1-11
Matthew, Mark, and Luke record a similar event that took place near the end of Jesus’ ministry. (Matthew 21:10-17; Mark 11:15-19; Luke 19:45-46) Different or the same? Matthew, Mark, and Luke record different words and actions. Any expectation that the Jews would have listened to Jesus once and for all and put a permanent end to what He condemned?

10 Jesus Cleanses The Temple John 2:1-11
What are we to learn? The Lord’s church is not to be a house of merchandise! It is not to be an opportunity for personal or “corporate” profit. It is to be a house of prayer, worship, and edification. Were the stones or building materials of the temple holy? Or was the purpose of the structure holy?

11 Jesus Cleanses The Temple John 2:1-11
What are we to learn? Do not let the church be burdened! 1 Timothy 5:16 Were the stones or building materials of the temple holy? Or was the purpose of the structure holy?

12 Jesus Cleanses The Temple John 2:1-11
What are we to learn? We need to take the purity of the mission and purpose of the Lord’s house – His Church – very seriously. “Zeal for Your house will consume Me” – “Zeal” – zeal, ardor in embracing or consuming anything. “Consume” – to eat up or devour.

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