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Today’s Lesson: How do deserts and rivers in Southwest Asia affect the way people live, the type of work they do, and how they travel?

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Lesson: How do deserts and rivers in Southwest Asia affect the way people live, the type of work they do, and how they travel?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Lesson: How do deserts and rivers in Southwest Asia affect the way people live, the type of work they do, and how they travel?

2 “Middle East: Deserts & Rivers”
Reading the section and complete the quiz Add something (sentence, illustration, or other creative way of showing comprehension to the Graffiti Wall labeled “Middle East: Deserts & Rivers” posted on the board.

3 Your Task: Create a village in the desert or a village by the river (teacher-chosen). You must include the following: How the people will produce or obtain food How the people will get water What type of travel will be used (traveling village to village, inside village) How will they live (homes, families, jobs) You will also create an advertisement persuading people to come and live in your village.

4 In conclusion… Complete a pros/cons chart that depicts the pros/cons of living in your village. P C

5 How do deserts and rivers in Southwest Asia affect the way people live, the type of work they do, and how they travel?

6 As a reminder, you should…
Create a village in the desert or a village by the river (teacher-chosen). You must include the following: How the people will produce or obtain food How the people will get water What type of travel will be used (traveling village to village, inside village) How will they live (homes, families, jobs) You will also create an advertisement persuading people to come and live in your village.

7 SS7G7: The student will explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics distribution of natural resources and population distribution on Southwest Asia. Peer Review Activity: Complete the chart based on each group’s village creation. Be sure to answer ALL questions! This sheet will be graded – it is NOT optional!

8 SS7G6a: The student will discuss environmental issues across Southwest Asia (Middle East) by explaining how water pollution and the unequal distribution of water impacts irrigation and drinking water. Read this brief overview of the standard and create an illustration that depicts the main concept(s) of the standard. Fresh water is a precious resource in the Middle East. About five percent of the world’s population lives there, but less than one percent of the world’s fresh water is available to its residents. Throughout he Middle East, water shortages, unequal water distribution, and pollution further decrease the amount of water available for drinking and irrigation. W

9 Today’s Task! Work with your partner(s) to complete the review packet. Remember to be a positive contributor to the group discussion! This is a mid-unit (geography section) review. It is important that you understand ALL of these concepts. Take the assignment seriously. W

10 How do location and environmental issues impact the way of life in the Middle East?
Compose a tweet on the exit slip that answers the essential question in 140 characters or less. Example: Need fresh water? Stay away from the Middle East. #harshreality W

11 How do location and environmental issues impact the way of life in the Middle East?
Check your review sheet. Have you labeled your countries correctly? Have you labeled the waterways correctly? Let’s check your work! 3 6 2 4 5 1 T

12 Waterways T

13 Countries T

14 Today’s Task! Work with your partner(s) to complete the review packet. Remember to be a positive contributor to the group discussion! This is a mid-unit (geography section) review. It is important that you understand ALL of these concepts. Take the assignment seriously. T

15 How diverse are the cultures of the people in the Middle East?
Complete the worksheet to compare and contrast the definitions of religious groups and ethnic groups in a Venn diagram. F

16 F 3 main cultures in Middle East 2 languages spoken in the Middle East
As you go…. 3 main cultures in Middle East 2 languages spoken in the Middle East 1 largest culture in Middle East F

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