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Using Different Modalities to Present Arguments

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1 Using Different Modalities to Present Arguments
Visual Arguments Using Different Modalities to Present Arguments

2 What is a Visual Argument?
Presenting a thesis statement and support through both text and visuals. Using technology other than paper and word processing software. Strengthening your argument by using various mediums.

3 When are Visual Arguments Used?
Presentations in school and in work Advertisements Documentary films Online writing

4 What You Need to Know Still considering purpose and audience
Frames, appeals, tone Not only deciding on words to use Technology, media Just as structure of an essay changes depending on genre, the modality may change Everything you see (layout, images, lighting, hyperlinks, audio, movement, colors, etc.) had to be decided on.

5 Single Image Advertisements and Visual Rhetoric
Rhetoric = the art of persuasion How to Analyze Visual Rhetoric 1. Write down everything you notice. Includes objects, colors, actions, etc. 2. How do these choices affect the viewer? 3. What is the purpose or argument of the ad? 4. What is the intended audience?

6 Example 1 What do you notice in the ad?
How does these things affect the viewer? What is the purpose or argument? Who is the intended audience?

7 Example 1 What do you notice in the ad?
How does these things affect the viewer? What is the purpose or argument? Who is the intended audience?

8 Example 2 What do you notice in the ad?
How does these things affect the viewer? What is the purpose or argument? Who is the intended audience?

9 Example 2 What do you notice in the ad?
How does these things affect the viewer? What is the purpose or argument? Who is the intended audience?

10 Example 3 What do you notice in the ad?
How does these things affect the viewer? What is the purpose or argument? Who is the intended audience?

11 Example 3 What do you notice in the ad?
How does these things affect the viewer? What is the purpose or argument? Who is the intended audience?

12 Visual Argument is a Combination of Images and Words

13 Visual Argument is a Combination of Images and Words

14 Consider the Modality You are Using
Example 1: Your company wants you to create an online marketing campaign for its website. Modality = web writing Layout: colors, placement of text, images, and other content Text: headings, pull quotes Images: pictures, charts, graphs Hyperlinks: provide more info, or contact options Video: show the product in action, testimonials Audio: music in the background, or audio files Pages: single long page you scroll through, or smaller pages Interactive Elements: games, surveys, change options on item being sold

15 Consider the Modality You are Using
Example 2: You need to present an argument for funding the construction of a new laboratory for your university. Modality = Powerpoint or Prezi Layout: colors, placement of text, images, and other content Text: how much per slide, how much can you say, how much must be written Images: what can be easily seen in the room and on the screen? Video: how will showing a video mid-presentation affect the viewer? Slides: How many? How should it move?

16 Group Work Find a commercial on YouTube.
(tell me which commercial you will use after you find it so that 2 groups are not doing the same one). Then answer: What do you notice in the ad? How do these things affect the viewer? What is the purpose or argument? Who is the intended audience? After you have answered the questions, you will share the commercial and your answers with the class.


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