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Follow-ups from Classes 8 and 9

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1 Follow-ups from Classes 8 and 9

2 Waterside Economizer (“free-cooling”) – Series vs Parallel Notice the difference in the connection points

3 Types of VAV Boxes “VAV boxes are not all created equal”
VAV Box, Un-powered Direct-acting: Motorized damper controls air flow to zone Diverting: Motorized Diverting damper routes air to room or to return duct / plenum (does not provide back-pressure signal to slow down AHU fan) Both of these are subject to poor room air distribution at low load Fan-Powered Box (FPB) Created to maintain constant volume at room diffusers at low load Series: fan runs continuously, with damper controlling mix of Supply Air and re-circulated return or room air Parallel: fan runs intermittently to re-circulate room air as damper throttles Supply Air

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