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Me and Uncle Romie.

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Presentation on theme: "Me and Uncle Romie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Me and Uncle Romie

2 The city has many ____, and some of them are 50 stories tall!
glorious skyscrapers strutting collage

3 That is Correct skyscrapers – plural noun – very tall buildings

4 Sorry, try again

5 Marilyn went _____ around in her new boots from Italy.
skyscrapers strutting collage flicked

6 That is Correct strutting – verb – walking in a self-important way

7 Once I made a _______ of my day’s activities, and it was full of bright colors and cotton balls.
collage flicked barbecue swarms

8 That is Correct collage – noun – a picture made by pasting paper, cloth, metal, and other things in an arrangement on a surface

9 Fred ______ the fly off his face.
flicked barbecue swarms glorious

10 That is Correct flicked – verb – hit or moved with a quick, light snap

11 We had a great ______ in the park.
strutting collage flicked barbecue

12 That is Correct barbecue – noun – a meal, usual meat, cooked outdoors over an open fire

13 When the hive fell, ____ of angry bees flew out.
barbecue glorious swarms skyscrapers

14 That is Correct swarms – plural noun – large groups of insects flying or moving together

15 The colors of the tree leaves in Autumn are ______.
swarms glorious skyscrapers strutting

16 That is Correct glorious – adjective – having or deserving praise or honor

17 Susan Ging Lent Production
Words are Fun See you next week Susan Ging Lent Production

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