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Scottish Obstetric Cardiology Network

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Presentation on theme: "Scottish Obstetric Cardiology Network"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scottish Obstetric Cardiology Network
Maggie Simpson - SOCN Lead Clinician Mhairi Gallacher - Programme Manager Kirsty Young - Programme Support Officer Improving care for women of child bearing age with a cardiac diagnosis

2 Cardiac disease in pregnancy
1-4% of pregnancies are complicated by cardiovascular disease Cardiac disease the leading cause of indirect maternal death 49 maternal deaths 2011 – 13 (2.06/100,000 maternities) 12 sudden adult death syndrome 10 acute coronary syndrome 6 cardiomyopathy 11 other cardiac conditions (aortic dissection, PAH, machinal heart valve thrombosis, endocarditis) 77% of women were not known to have a cardiac diagnosis prior to pregnancy

3 Key messages – MBRRACE 2016 Communication Recognition

4 Maternal morbidity Maternal mortality is the tip of the iceberg
For every woman who dies, 100 women survive the pregnancy but with severe morbidity Maternal morbidity Headline grabber and rightly receives focus, however 105 (74%) infants survived, 36 died (24 stillborn and 12 neonatal deaths). The women who died left behind a further 253 children, thus together a total of 358 motherless children remain. Mother living with health problems, psych burden Babies born may be premature or SGA which may lead to ongoing developmental issues for the baby Poor fetal outcomes to an enormous emotional and psychological cost to the parents there is also a cost implications for the NHS.

5 What does this mean in Scotland?

6 Scottish Obstetric Cardiology Network -Aims
To improve equity of care for women with pre-existing cardiac conditions before pregnancy or who go on to develop cardiac conditions during pregnancy Highlight the potential points in the clinical pathway of care to improve outcomes from pre-pregnancy counselling right through to post-partum care and contraception, including when assisted conception is being planned Facilitate collaboration within and across the multi-disciplinary teams involved in a woman’s care at local, regional and national levels. Scottish Obstetric Cardiology Network -Aims

7 Stakeholders Midwives Primary care Assisted conception services
Cardiology Anaesthetics Assisted conception services Haematology Nurses Obstetrics Midwives Patients Pharmacy Sexual health services Stakeholders Genetics

8 I know nothing about risk in pregnancy
I don’t care for women in pregnancy…. Who can I refer this woman to for further advice? I don’t know what contraceptive advice to provide Who can I contact for advice

9 Pre-pregnancy counselling Data collection / audit
Care Pathways Pre-pregnancy counselling Data collection / audit MDT / Education Communication

10 Pre-pregnancy counselling
Care Pathways Pre-pregnancy counselling Data collection / audit MDT / Education Communication

You can’t get pregnant on Ramipril IT’S NOT A CONTRACEPTIVE

12 ESC 2018

13 ESC 2018 ESC CVD in pregnancy, 2018 pg 11

14 MDT / Education Care Pathways Communication Data collection / audit
Pre-pregnancy counselling

15 Target educational and training opportunities for healthcare providers :
Emergency care Physicians Cardiology Obstetrics Anaesthesia Midwifery Primary care physicians Sexual health clinics Education This will increase the likelihood of a cardiac condition being recognised and managed promptly and consistently It will also ensure consideration of how, where and who should be involved in counselling and antenatal care of the woman Steering group Education/MDT

16 Communication Care Pathways Pre-pregnancy counselling
Data collection / audit MDT / Education Communication

17 I didn’t know who to call
Ensure that appropriate clinicians at local, regional and national level are identified Where local expertise is not available the network will enable access to an alternative source of advice Facilitate connection with local units and collaboration with regional and national teams Effective communication and engagement with patients will ensure the network will meet their needs and they feel empowered to play a role in their care Communication I didn’t know who to call local teams can have confidence in decision making and management of cases at a local level and avoid unnecessary patient transfer Steering group Communication

18 The network will: Develop pathways of care to ensure standardised care for women across Scotland with a cardiac condition pre-pregnancy, antenatally and in the post-partum period Provide a structure for multidisciplinary team working including emergency situations Advance education and training opportunities in the care of women of child bearing with a cardiac diagnosis Establish a mechanism for data collection and audit Ensure ongoing involvement of patients and the public in the network ensuring their views are represented and acknowledged SOCN We will provide a foundation that will reduce morbidity in women with pregnancy complicated by cardiovascular disease

19 Thank you

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