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Vocabulary Workshop Unit 18

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1 Vocabulary Workshop Unit 18

2 abide To live in a place; to put up with; to have patience with

3 contrast A difference between things being compared
To compare for differences

4 depress To make someone sad; to discourage

5 dismal Dreary, gloomy; showing a lack of hope

6 dispose To put in a certain place

7 exaggerate To enlarge a statement beyond what is true

8 indifferent Having or showing a lack of interest

9 jubilant Showing great joy or excitement

10 manual A book of instructions; a handbook
Involving the use of the hands

11 originate To bring into being

12 recognition The act of recognizing; acknowledgement of achievement

13 tribute Something given to show thanks; a compliment

14 dispose. originate tribute. manual depress
dispose originate tribute manual depress abide exaggerate contrast dismal jubilant recognition indifferent

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