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World History B Feb. 18-22.

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Presentation on theme: "World History B Feb. 18-22."— Presentation transcript:

1 World History B Feb

2 This week’s agenda Monday: No school
Tuesday: The Children’s March/Assignment Wednesday: Ch. 21 Absolute Monarchs in Europe Thursday: Ch. 21 Friday: Black History Trivia Day

3 Day 29, Tuesday, Feb. 19 Turn in writing assignment from last week!
Video: The Children’s March Assignment: Discussion Questions Homework: Read Ch. 21 Sec. 1-3 IF YOU HAVEN’T FINISHED YOUR TEST FROM LAST WEEK, YOU MUST COME AFTER SCHOOL TODAY!!!!

4 Day 30, Wednesday, Feb. 20 Discussion: Children’s March
Ch. 21: Absolute Monarchs in Europe Ch. 21 Need to Know (Label day 30) Homework: Read ALL of Ch. 21 I strongly advise you to make FLASH cards for this Unit (21-23)

5 31: Thursday, Feb. 21 Ch. 21 Ch. 22 Study Guide for Homework (do NOT postpone doing this or you will feel very overwhelmed next week) Reminder: FLASH Cards for Ch. 21, 22, & 23 (only those who complete at least 30 are eligible for the curve which is usually points)

6 32: Friday, Feb. 22 You Tube: Civil Rights Sit-Ins (15 min.) & The Freedom Riders (5 mins.) Alabama Voting Test Complete Ch. 21 Study Guide BRING YOUR TEXTBOOKS EVERYDAY NEXT WEEK!!! Homework: Finish Ch. 21 Study Guide Begin Ch. 22 because Ch. 23 is coming soon! All 3 of these study guides are due before the next test and I will NOT grade them after the test. This unit’s test is 100 questions!

7 Digital Portfolio Assignment 6
4th and 6th Hey! This should be a fun one for you! 1. Use YOUR birthday to research events in history that happened on that day in history. Pick at least 5 events to create a minimum of 10 slides. 2. Compile some info with images of these events to create a presentation in VoiceThread. You MUST also have audio of YOU explaining the event. Have fun! 3. Embed it into your portfolio ALSO: Create another tab and label it “Technology Project” and either link your website and video or upload your video.

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