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Start Playing Jeopardy.

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1 Start Playing Jeopardy

2 MA/Ren/Ref Sci Rev/Absol Enligh/Fr Rev Latin Rev/Ind Rev Imperialism 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 You can change the category titles by clicking in the text box and typing. The slides follow the order of the cards. 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy

3 Middle Ages/Renaissance/Reformation 100
___________________________ was the most powerful organization in the Middle Ages because the controlled who went to ________________. If you broke their rules they would _________________ you. Answer

4 Answer Middle Ages/Renaissance/Reformation 100
Church Heaven Excommunicate

5 Middle Ages /Renaissance/Reformation 200
A contract between two group exchanging goods for protection in the Middle Ages (also a social class system). Answer

6 Answer Middle Ages/Renaissance/Reformation 200

7 Category Middle Ages/Renaissance/Reformation 300
Martin Luther fought against the sale of _________ by posting his ____ _________, which started the _____________ ____________. Answer

8 Answer Middle Ages/Renaissance/Reformation 300
Indulgences 95 Theses Protestant Reformation

9 Middle Ages/Renaissance/Reformation 400
The Renaissance was the rebirth in Europe of _________ and ________ They began to value people and their accomplishments – this was called ___________. Answer

10 Answer Middle Ages/Renaissance/Reformation 400
Art Knowledge Humanism

11 Middle Ages /Renaissance/Reformation 500
Put these events in Chronological Order -Renaissance -Crusades -Protestant Reformation -Middle Ages Answer

12 Answer Middle Ages /Renaissance/Reformation 500
Crusades Renaissance Protestant Reformation

13 Scientific Revolution/Absolutism 100
What organization feared scientists using experiments to find out the truth about the surrounding world? Answer

14 Answer Scientific Revolution/Absolutism 100
The Church

15 Scientific Revolution/Absolutism 200
Name two scientists from the Scientific Revolution and tell what they discovered. Answer

16 Answer Scientific Revolution/Absolutism 200
Galileo – Heliocentric (sun center of universe) Isaac Newton - Gravity

17 Scientific Revolution/Absolutism 300
___________ ______________ were kings that controlled every aspect of society and believed they had the ___________ __________ (God chose them to rule). Answer

18 Answer Scientific Revolution/Absolutism 300
Absolute Monarchs Divine Right

19 Scientific Revolution/Absolutism 400
_____________was the Absolute Monarch of Russia and his goal was to ________ his country. _________ was the Absolute Monarch of France who ran up debt building the ___________. Answer

20 Answer Scientific Revolution/Absolutism 400
Peter the Great – Westernize Louis XIV – Palace of Versailles

21 Scientific Revolution/Absolutism 500
Who was the Absolute Monarch of the Ottoman Empire and who was Absolute Monarch of the Mughal Empire? Answer

22 Answer Scientific Revolution/Absolutism 500
Ottomans – Suleiman Mughals - Akbar

23 Enlightenment/French Rev 100
Who were the Enlightenment Philosophers challenging? Answer

24 Answer Enlightenment/French Rev 100
Absolute Monarchs

25 Enlightenment/French Rev 200
What are natural rights and who was the Enlightenment Philosopher who said all people had them? Answer

26 Enlightenment/French Rev 200
Rights you are born with; John Locke

27 Enlightenment/French Rev 300
This class of people in France was taxed the most even though they had the least. What group of thinkers inspired them to revolt against the King and the Bourgeoisie. Answer

28 Answer Enlightenment/French Rev 300
3rd Estate; Enlightenment Philosophers

29 Enlightenment/French Rev 400
The 3rd Estate’s document that claimed natural rights was called ____________. The enemies of the Rebellion were put to death by _______ (leader’s name) using the _________ during the Reign of _______. Answer

30 Answer Enlightenment/French Rev 400
Declaration of the Rights of Man; Robespierre; Guillotine; Reign of Terror

31 Enlightenment/French Rev 500
________________ ended the French Revolution when he use a ________ ______ ________ to make himself Emperor and begin his Empire where he conquered most of Europe. Answer

32 Answer Enlightenment/French Rev 500
Napoleon; Coup de tat

33 Latin American Rev/ Industrial Rev 100
Toussaint L'Ouverture, a former ________ heard about the French Rev & Enlightenment and was inspired to liberate _________. Answer

34 Answer Latin American Rev/ Industrial Rev 100
Slave Haiti

35 Latin American Rev/ Industrial Rev 200
Simon Bolivar heard about the French Rev/ Enlightenment and was inspired to liberate __________ from _________ rule. Answer

36 Answer Latin American Rev/ Industrial Rev 200
South America; Spanish Rule

37 Latin American Rev/ Industrial Rev 300
3 Field System, Jethro Tull’s Seed Drill; Robert Bakewell’s Mutton Output led to more food and increased population in the _______________ Revolution. Answer

38 Answer Latin American Rev/ Industrial Rev 300

39 Latin American Rev/ Industrial Rev 400
The movement to cities, called ____________, was caused by the ____________ Revolution. Three hardships people faced during this time were… Answer

40 Answer Latin American Rev/ Industrial Rev 400
Urbanization; Industrial Revolution -Lived in overcrowded slums -Bad sewers/disease spread -Child Labor -Large division in wealth between Rich and Poor

41 Latin American Rev/ Industrial Rev 500
The factory system of the Industrial Revolution replaced the _____________. Factories produced goods __________ causing their price to ___________. Answer

42 Answer Latin American Rev/ Industrial Rev 500
Domestic System (or Cottage Industry) Faster; drop

43 Imperialism 100 This area of the world practiced Imperialism because it needed _________________, ________________, and _________________ for its factories. Answer

44 Answer Imperialism 100 Europe -Markets -Labor -Natural Resources

45 Imperialism 200 European Imperialists were __________ believed their culture was superior) and because of ________ ___ __________ believed they need to educate the people of their colonies. Answer

46 Answer Imperialism 200 Ethnocentric White Man’s Burden

47 Imperialism 300- Daily Double

48 Imperialism 400 European nations led by German leader __________ _______ ____________ met at the ___________ Conference to spate the continent of __________. Answer

49 Otto Von Bismarck; Berlin Conference; Africa
Answer Imperialism 400 Otto Von Bismarck; Berlin Conference; Africa

50 Imperialism 500 The British defeated the Chinese in the ______ War and forced them to sign the Treaty of Nanking granting Britain and ___________ of ___________ in China. The Chinese worker called _______ failed in their rebellion to get rid of the British. Answer

51 Opium; Sphere of Influence; Boxers
Answer Imperialism 500 Opium; Sphere of Influence; Boxers

52 Final Jeopardy Name the Trade Route…
Final Jeopardy Music Name the Trade Route… Resulted from a failed attempt to recapture the holy land, but brought ideas from the Middle East back to Middle Ages Europe. Connected China to Rome and spread many goods and ideas like Moveable Type, Gunpowder, and the Magnetic Compass Northern African Muslims brought their good across the Sahara to get the West African Kingdom’s Good. Trade between Europe and the New World – led to Encomienda’s where Natives were forced to farm to get the goods/recourses Europeans craved. Answer

53 Crusades Trade Route Silk Road Gold-Salt Trade Columbian Exchange
Answer Final Jeopardy Crusades Trade Route Silk Road Gold-Salt Trade Columbian Exchange

54 Daily Double _________ was the “Crown Jewel” of the British Empire. The ________ rebelled against them and almost won. Answer

55 Answer Daily Double India; Sepoys

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