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The Solar System.

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Presentation on theme: "The Solar System."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Solar System

2 Mars: The God of War

3 Mars Profile Size Distance from the sun
28% the size of Earth & 11% the mass of Earth. 2nd smallest in our solar system. Distance from the sun 128 million miles from the Sun.

4 Weight Less If you weighed 100 pounds on Earth,
You would weigh 38 pounds on Mars Key Elements: Iron, Carbon Dioxide, Basalt

5 Tell me about it! It is projected that the core of Mars would be a liquid iron mush. The surface is mostly basalt. (Rust).

6 You can't live on Mars, but it would be a pretty good place to have a space station.
Without a good space suit and a special station to live in, you wouldn't be able to breathe and there isn't any water to drink. There is, however, some water in the form of ice on the polar ice caps. These ice caps have frozen carbon dioxide in them too

7 The Atmosphere Temperatures Lowest (-125 degrees F)
Highest (+23 degrees F) Wait a minute. This is the closest to Earth temperatures that we have found so far. If Mars was just 20 degrees warmer, it is very possible that life would exist on Mars also.

8 The Orbit Every 687 Earth days, Mars orbits the Sun.
Living to a hundred on Earth, would put you to living to about 53 on Mars. You could graduate high school by the time you were 9 ½ years old. The planet rotates just about as fast as Earth every 24.6 hours.

9 Basic Facts Two Natural satellites. (Moons) Phobos Deimos
These are two of the smallest moons in our solar system. However, if you were standing on Mars looking into the sky, you would notice Phobos to appear even larger than our moon. It would take up a large chunk of the sky because of how close it is to Mars.

10 Atmosphere Mars does have an atmosphere, though a light one.
Because Mars has such a light atmosphere, it does not retain heat long enough to keep the water that was found as a liquid. Instead it just freezes.

11 Weather on Mars Volcanoes exist on Mars. Dust storms exist on Mars.
Mars has seasons because it also has a tilt.

12 Bonus! Mars has the tallest mountain of any planet in the solar system. It's called Olympic Mons and it's more than twice the height of Mt. Everest. The cool thing is that Mars has the largest canyon in the solar system too! It's called Valles Marineris and it would stretch all the way from Los Angeles to Washington D.C. Scientists think that they have possible evidence for life existing on Mars. They found tubular structures in Martian meteorites that landed in the Antarctic. Some think that these structures are the fossils of microorganisms that lived on Mars billions of years ago.

13 The following are actual photographs taken from the Phoenix that landed on Mars.
Mars Photos


15 Frost on Mars

16 We think it’s just a rock.

17 Wha…Wha…What! Recently, we ran into a small colony of Martians and they told us to go home. We never listen.

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