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Presentation on theme: "Pemphigoid:."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pemphigoid:

2 Mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP) is chronic blistering or vesiculobullous disease that affects predominately oral and ocular mucous membranes. an autoimmune disease (autoimmune reaction to basement membrane protein ) with an unknown stimulus. Deposition of Ig and complement component along the basement membrane zone ( on DIF testing ) are characteristic.

3 When it is affects gingiva called desquamative gingivitis.




7 Histopathology: MMP is a subepithelial clefting disorder and there is no acantholysis. In early stages few lymphocytes are seen, but with time the infiltrate becomes more dense and mixed.

8 Direct immunofluorescence studies
a continuous linear band of immunoreactantsat the basement membrane zone in nearly 90% of affected patients IgG and C3, although IgA and IgM Indirect immunofluorescence is positive in only 5% of these patients


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