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Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Applications

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1 Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Applications

2 What is biotechnology? Use and application of living things and biological processes to develop new technologies Tools and products used in research, agriculture, industry, and medicine

3 What is genetic engineering?
Modifying characteristics of an organism by manipulating (changing) its genetic material Done by taking a gene from one organism and putting it in another Can only occur when scientists KNOW where the gene is located Can be done because DNA is UNIVERSAL

4 What is genetic engineering?
An organism made by genetic engineering or genetic selection is a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) Human insulin made by genetically modified bacteria Plants with resistance to some insects Plants that can tolerate some herbicides

5 Techniques to manipulate DNA
Restriction Enzymes Cut DNA at precise locations (specific nucleotide sequences) for studying Each restriction enzyme cuts DNA at a different restriction site

6 Techniques to manipulate DNA
Gel Electrophoresis Used to separate segments of DNA according to length After cut, pieces are separated using and electrical current in a small tray with a flat slab of gelatin One end of gel is positively charged, other is negative

7 Techniques to manipulate DNA
Gel Electrophoresis Solution of cut of DNA is placed in a well at the negative end DNA has a negative charge, DNA fragments run to the positive end Small pieces move faster than large pieces Dye is used to see the clumps of DNA fragments of different lengths as bands or lines Pattern of bands are used to identify the location of a gene or in DNA Fingerprinting

8 Techniques to manipulate DNA
DNA Fingerprinting Genome – complete genetic material contained in an organism Every person’s genome is unique (except identical twins) Patterns of bands from Gel Electrophoresis create a DNA fingerprint Compelling evidence in forensics and showing family relationships


10 Techniques to manipulate DNA
Bacterial plasmids are used to make recombinant DNA Recombinant DNA = DNA that contains genes from more than one organism plasmid = small ring of DNA in cytoplasm Separate from chromosome/replicate on their own Restriction enzyme can cut a desired gene from a strand of foreign DNA (Ex. Gene coding for protein human insulin)

11 Techniques to manipulate DNA
How are plasmids used? Circular plasmid is cut with same restriction enzyme Foreign DNA (with desired gene) is attached to open ends of the plasmid DNA Two are bonded together to form recombinant DNA Plasmid could be reintroduced into bacterial cells, which would then multiply rapidly and produce lots of the human protein at a very low cost. Insulin


13 Gene Map An ordered list of the genetic locations along a particular chromosome Shows the relative locations of each known gene (on a chromosome)

14 Edition

15 Welcome to the Maury Show: Pokémon edition
Welcome to the Maury Show: Pokémon edition! We have a mother of a young son and his alleged fathers. Using the DNA samples provided by the contestants, you will determine whether or not any of these men are the father of this child!

16 Scenario! Delia Ketchum had little baby ash 10 years ago. With her son gone to fulfill his dream of being a Pokémon master, Delia has finally had time to put to rest an old question: Who is Ash’s father?

17 The Possible Fathers Samuel Oak: the esteemed Pokémon professor.
Giovanni, the insidious leader of Team Rocket, Silver, a roaming trainer whom Ash has never met.

18 Step one: Compare Delia’s and Ash’s DNA.
Any bands that they have in common are traits that Delia passed on to Ash. Any other bands in Ash’s DNA are traits he got from his father. Mark each of Ash’s bands with an ‘M’ if it came from his mother, or an ‘F’ if it came from his father Delia Ash  1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

19 Step two: Compare Ash’s DNA to his possible Fathers’!
Ash’s bands and the bands from the alleged fathers are shown below. After marking which bands came from his mother, look at the bands that come from his father. The man who has bands that match Ash’s ‘F’ bands is his father! NOTE: The men’s bands need to match Ash’s ‘F’ bands! If his ‘M’ bands are matched by one of them, it is NOT a match! Ash Oak Giovanni Silver


21 Giovanni, you are the father!!!

22 Part two: APPLICATIONS!!!

23 Fluorescent Felines Used a virus to insert a gene for red fluorescence into the nucleus of a cat skin cell. Inserted the modified nucleus into an egg  glow-in-the dark kittens! Glow-in-the-Dark Cat video

24 Knockout Mice scientists have purposely “shut off” the gene that allows the mice to know when to stop eating

25 Cow Gas gas from cows contribute to the greenhouse effect
scientists have genetically engineered cattle that makes 25% less gas

26 Organismal Cloning making an identical copy of a gene or organism
Pros: organ transplants save Endangered species clone embryos for parents with fertility issues Cons: expensive may still have disorders increase chances of inbreeding (less genetic variation in a population) ethical, religious or moral issues

27 How Dolly was made:

28 Gene Therapy exchange a normal gene for an
abnormal gene, using a virus this was the plot of the movie, I am Legend Pros: could possibly cure a disease caused by a gene reduce the chances of passing it to offspring Cons: expensive unsure of results (rejection) ethical, religious or moral issues

29 Pharmaceuticals Helps with creating new medicines.
Ex. Human insulin harvested from bacteria. Vaccines against diseases and maybe even cancers in the future. Ex. Vaccines in bananas.

30 Criminal Forensics DNA fingerprints of suspects
Paternity/Maternity testing

31 Environmental Cleanup
Bacteria are used to process human sewage in water treatment plants. Bacteria that can clean up oil spills or breakdown Plastic by eating the oil compounds. Organisms helping clean up heavy metals (such as Mercury) from mining or waste collection.

32 Agriculture Having organisms produce more food.
Having organisms produce “larger” food. Having organisms produce hardier food for easy transport across the world. Having organisms produce healthier foods. Having organisms that can produce food during winter. (Winterized)

33 Livestock Organisms that are “meatier”.
Organisms that are “leaner”. (Having less fat.) Organisms that are disease resistant. Herman the Bull

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