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Critical Reading Paper: Scottish Text

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1 Critical Reading Paper: Scottish Text
National 5 English Critical Reading Paper: Scottish Text

2 The Scottish Text This question makes up one half of the Critical Reading Paper in the exam. In the Scottish Text section you will be asked to read an extract from a text you have previously studied in class (The Cone Gatherers), and then answer questions on it. This question is worth 20 marks.

3 Before you Begin Read the extract through before you start, even if you know it well. Read the questions carefully. Work out exactly what they are asking before you answer. Check how many marks each question is worth and think about how these marks will be allocated.

4 Question Types - Understanding
15. Read lines 1—5. Using your own words as far as possible, explain what we learn about Calum in the opening lines of this extract. 2marks ‘explain’ means finding an idea and putting it into your own words. When asked about the main ideas / concerns of the text show your understanding of the novel and the main themes.

5 Response For 2 marks with no quotation needed , you will have to offer two aspects of Calum’s character.

6 Question Types - Analysis
16. Read lines 7—14. How do any two examples of the writer’s language convey the strength of Duror’s feelings towards Calum? marks There could be up to 6 marks awarded in this paper for this type of question. To answer successfully you will have to quote a word / image / technique (1) and then comment on its effect in relation to the question (1).

7 Response For this question you need to quote and comment twice to gain the 4 marks. Make your quotes clear to see by either underlining them or placing them in quotation marks. Remember ‘language’ is anything like word choice, imagery, sentence construction or tone.

8 Question Types - Evaluation
Read lines 18—28. Choose and comment on any two examples of the writer’s use of imagery in these lines. These questions are asking how effective you think the writer has done something. Generally speaking, you say the writer has used language effectively and then go on to show how by quoting a word / technique and commenting on what makes it effective.

9 response For this kind of question you need to quote for one mark and comment on the use of language for another. You should use this to connect the quote the novel as a whole

10 Questions about Conclusions
Generally, conclusions sum up the key ideas of a text and leave us with something to think about. In poetry, poets use a number of techniques to effectively conclude their work. These include: a continuation of the ideas from earlier in the poem; a continuation of language from earlier in the poem; a continuation of imagery from earlier in the poem; a link / echo of the opening lines; a striking / dramatic final line which highlights one of the poem’s key ideas; rhetorical questions.

11 Questions about the novel as a whole
In this type of question you will need to show an understanding of the novel and its themes and show how the lines continue the ideas / language / imagery from the rest of the novel. Marks are allocated: example(1) + comment (1)

12 The Final Question The final question is worth 8 marks.
It will ask you to compare or contrast the extract you have in front of you with at least one other part of the novel you have studied. This is best set out in bullet points. The following slide provides guidance on how to do this.

13 Question character of Calum is presented. 8 Marks
With close reference to this extract and elsewhere in the novel, show how the character of Calum is presented Marks

14 Answering The Final Question
Organise your answer into 4 bullet points, each worth 2 marks: 1. Refer to another part of the text and say what it has in common / in contrast with the given text. (2) (e.g. theme, central relationship, importance of setting, use of imagery, development in characterisation, use of personal experience, use of narrative style, any other key feature…) 2. Refer to the extract you have been given in relation to the question. (2) (1 x relevant reference to technique/idea/feature (1) + 1 x appropriate comment (1)) 3. Refer to another part of the text in relation to the question. (2) 4. Repeat stage 3.

15 For Example: Answer: Commonality
Question With close reference to this extract and elsewhere in the novel, show how the character of Calum is presented. 8 Marks Answer: Commonality Both in the extract and at the end of the novel where Calum is murdered by Duror he is presented by Jenkins as an innocent who has a natural affinity with nature. In the extract we see his natural empathy with the rabbit and his sense of Duror’s evil intent, at the end of the novel we see him even in death seeming like a part of the tree with pine cones spilling from his basket (2). Extract In the extract Jenkins writes ‘ he could not do the rabbit the peculiar kindness’ showing that even when he knew this would relieve the rabbit of pain and suffering he empathised too keenly to hurt it further. (2) Elsewhere Similarly, at the Deer hunt, Calum we see a contrast between Calum and Duror where Duror sees the deer as ‘vermin’ but Calum sees them as innocent creatures who he feels for and empathises with . When he wraps his arms round the injured deer’s neck he shows just how innocent he is and how much this empathy affects him. (2)

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