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Principles of Computing – UFCFA3-30-1

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1 Principles of Computing – UFCFA3-30-1
Week-7 Pushdown Automata (Continue…) Instructor : Mazhar H Malik Global College of Engineering and Technology

2 Pushdown automata

Difference Between Finite Automata and Push down Automata FINITE AUTOMATA PUSHDOWN AUTOMATA A finite automaton (FA) is a simple idealized machine used to recognize patterns within input taken from some character set A pushdown automaton (PDA) is a type of automaton that employs a stack. It doesn’t has the capability to store long sequence of input alphabets It has stack to store the input alphabets Input alphabets are accepted by reaching “final states” Input alphabets are accepted by reaching : 1.     Empty stack 2.     Final state NFA can be converted into equivalent DFA NPDA has more capability than DPDA It consist of 5 tuples: L = {Q, q0, ∑, F, σ} It consists of 7 tuples: L = {Q, q0, ∑, F, ᴦ, σ, z0  } Finite automata can be constructed for regular language Pushdown automata can be constructed for context free grammar


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