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Task Card 1 Year 1 – Biological Science

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1 Task Card 1 Year 1 – Biological Science
Emma Johnson Stephanie March-Peach

2 Living things have a variety of external features (ACSSU017)
Content Descriptor Living things have a variety of external features (ACSSU017) Elaborations - recognising common features of animals such as head, legs and wings - identifying common features of plants such as leaves and roots

3 Declarative and Procedural Knowledge
Declarative knowledge Procedural Knowledge Characteristics that distinguish different types of animals. Different animals are classified by their common features. Classify animals according to similar characteristics. Recognise that animals have different features.

4 Teacher Instructions for Task

5 Plant Bingo! On your desk you will find a bingo card, one for each person. The teacher will then hold


7 Plant Matching Puzzle


9 Animal Guess Who? 1. ksjdks


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