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LO: How significant was the People's Crusade?

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1 LO: How significant was the People's Crusade?
Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson you will be able to... - Describe the People's Crusade E-D - Explain its importance and the role of Peter the Hermit C-B - Judge how far it was significant to the First Crusade A-A*

2 LO: How significant was the People's Crusade?
- Describe the People's Crusade E-D - Explain its importance and the role of Peter the Hermit C-B - Judge how far it was significant to the First Crusade A-A* This lesson we are going To be looking at the People's Crusade. What were the reasons For its failure? How far did it lay the Groundwork for a Successful First Crusade?

3 LO: How significant was the People's Crusade?
- Describe the People's Crusade E-D - Explain its importance and the role of Peter the Hermit C-B - Judge how far it was significant to the First Crusade A-A* The Peoples Crusade - Numbered 30-60,000 - Only 10% Knights - Poorly armed but deeply convinced Of God's leadership. - Left in April 1096, four months Before Urban had planned! Key themes of the People's Crusade - Anti Semitism - Poorly provisioned - Massacres in Speyer, Mainz, Trier, Cologne. - Forced conversions led to suicides. - Problems in Nish. - They are rushed through Europe. Upon Arrival - Alexios dismayed when they reach Constantinople. - Seljuks unconcerned by the “Franj”. - Kilij Arslan easily crushes Peoples Crusade. 21st October Battle of Civetot. Geoffrey Burel eggs on.

4 LO: How significant was the People's Crusade?
- Describe the People's Crusade E-D - Explain its importance and the role of Peter the Hermit C-B - Judge how far it was significant to the First Crusade A-A* Say hello to...Peter the Hermit! c - A preacher who may have been at Clermont. Jesus Had appeared to him personally! - Appealed to the untrained and disorganised. - Led People's Crusade with Walter the Penniless. - “He was surrounded by such crowds Of people, given such gifts, and so Acclaimed for his holiness that I Remember no one ever having been Held in such honour. Whatever he did or Said was regarded as divine.”

5 LO: How significant was the People's Crusade?
- Describe the People's Crusade E-D - Explain its importance and the role of Peter the Hermit C-B - Judge how far it was significant to the First Crusade A-A* What were the key consequences of the People's Crusade? - Kilij Arslan underestimated all subsequent “Frankish” armies. - Taught that Crusades needed to be a fully armed expedition. - Showed piety and fervour alone would not be enough to take Jerusalem. - Placed Peter the Hermit in Constantinople, ready to rejoin With the main Crusader army.

6 LO: How significant was the People's Crusade?
Task: Using p of Fulcher of Chartres, you need to chart the Course of the People's Crusade – you may need an Atlas to help! Challenge - Which is the turning point? - What were the key mistakes? - Describe the People's Crusade E-D - Explain its importance and the role of Peter the Hermit C-B - Judge how far it was significant to the First Crusade A-A*

7 LO: How significant was the People's Crusade?
- Describe the People's Crusade E-D - Explain its importance and the role of Peter the Hermit C-B - Judge how far it was significant to the First Crusade A-A*

8 LO: How significant was the People's Crusade?
- Describe the People's Crusade E-D - Explain its importance and the role of Peter the Hermit C-B - Judge how far it was significant to the First Crusade A-A*

9 LO: How significant was the People's Crusade?
- Describe the People's Crusade E-D - Explain its importance and the role of Peter the Hermit C-B - Judge how far it was significant to the First Crusade A-A*

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