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Language Arts: Tuesday, February 19, 2019

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1 Language Arts: Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Handouts: * None Homework: * Finish Poetry Project, due Friday, Feb. 22, No Late Work Assignments due: * Concrete Poem

2 Lesson Goal: Demonstrate your ability to write and share concrete poetry.
Outcomes: Be able to . . . Learn the distinctive features of concrete poetry. Analyze published concrete poetry. Exchange rough drafts of concrete poetry for peer reviews. Eventually present your concrete poem to the class.

3 1) The poem can be shaped as an outline of the object it’s about.
Starter #1 Last Friday we learned about concrete poetry, creating a poem that is shaped to look like its subject, and the shape(s) you create are just as important to the poem’s meaning as other poetic devices (like rhyme, rhythm, etc.) 1) The poem can be shaped as an outline of the object it’s about. 2) The poem can fill the shape of the object it is about. 3) The poem can use the way the words are written to form an image.

4 Starter #2 Concrete poetry depends on sight as much as it does on sound, and for that reason, we are going to employ (use) a “poetry exchange.” Our goal is two-fold: 1) Enjoy and appreciate each poem. 2) Evaluate each poem to determine which ones should be included in our online magazine. Take out a sheet of paper. Create a heading at the top with your name, the date, and your class. You will use this sheet to evaluate all the concrete poems. Let’s give each poem a quality rating: P P P- Creative Effort No misspellings Original Overall Rating Names

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