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Purdue University The PURR campus data repository service: institutional effort looking towards international engagement Michael Witt, associate.

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Presentation on theme: "Purdue University The PURR campus data repository service: institutional effort looking towards international engagement Michael Witt, associate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purdue University The PURR campus data repository service: institutional effort looking towards international engagement Michael Witt, associate professor Distributed data curation center EDUCAUSE 2017 : Philadelphia : November 1, 2017

2 Campus stakeholders - Purdue
Researchers – 1,963 faculty + 9,626 grad students Research Office Sponsored Programs Office - $400,000,000/yr Pre-award Post-award Information Technology - Research Computing Graduate School Libraries*

3 Curation lifecycle approach
Witt, M. (2012). Co-designing, Co-developing, and Co-implementing an Institutional Data Repository Service. Journal of Library Administration, 52(2). DOI: / Digital Curation Centre’s Curation Lifecycle Model:

4 purr postcard and poster
2,542 grant proposals 3


6 Writing a data management plan
Boilerplate text Funder requirements Example DMPs DMP Self-Assessment DMPTool Workshops Tutorials Reference and consultation with subject-specialist librarian and/or data services specialist PURR Getting Started: Data Management Plans:

7 Dimensions of Discovery (Winter 2013)
Dimensions of Discovery (Winter 2013). Office of the Vice President for Research, Purdue University,

8 Collaborating using online projects
PURR project tutorial video:

9 Allocating storage PURR Storage and Pricing:

10 Publishing and archiving data
PURR publication tutorial video:

11 PURR by-the-numbers 2,524 data management plans (grant proposals)
385 grant awards 2,737 registered researchers 1064 research projects 698 published datasets 357 data citations Purdue University Research Repository, September 2017.

12 Governance and staffing
Designated university core research facility Executive committee – Dean of Libraries, Associate Vice President for Research, CIO – meets annually Steering committee – two each from Libraries, IT, and research office plus 3-4 faculty – meets quarterly PURR team – Project director (.5 FTE), Data Curator, Outreach Specialist, Metadata Specialist (.20), Archivist (.25), and ~3 FTE technologists

13 Looking beyond institutional to international
Participating in development of standards Using standards, interoperating & connecting infrastructures Determining and sharing good practices throughout the lifecycle Policy & keeping the ‘open’ in open science Demonstrating impact

14 Discussion What are one or two practical things that institutions can do to support research data management at an institutional level that would also contribute to or feed into international efforts? What are the barriers in promoting and keeping the 'open' in open data?

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