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Student review meeting

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1 Student review meeting
Summer Term Final Teaching Practice Primary PGCE Students

2 Aims Securing moderated formative assessments against the Teachers’ Standards. Identification of ways to enable students to continue to progress and develop during the rest of the placement.

3 Organisation Working with the UEA teaching practice supervisor assigned to your students. Working with other teachers to review evidence relating to each student. Using NASBTT table to moderate judgements.

4 Sources of Evidence Teaching practice file
(working with all school information, planning and assessment documentation) Professional Development Progress File (PDPF) (collection of evidence of student’s progress in Teachers’ Standards over the course) All evidence contained in two documents : TP file - working document with planning and assessment notes/ records PDPF: Introductory page, showing sections in which each document can be found: eg. lesson observations, reflective tasks

5 Professional Development and Progress File (PDPF)
Signposting document

6 Introductory Activities
Introduce yourself and your school Consider the mutually beneficial professional relationship you have with your student: A gain for yourself A help to the student We would like the class teachers to briefly think about the mutually beneficial working relationship that they have with their student. We would like them to: Think of one way in which they have gained from working with their student. (‘how have they helped you the most?’) – this is the impact that their students have had on them. Think of one way in which they have helped their students to progress (‘how have you helped them the most?’) – the impact that they have had on their students. Take a recording slip and record these for us to collect in.

7 Introduce Students Highlight their relative strengths
A priority for their professional development in the next week Before focussing more closely on particular aspects of student’s progress and development, take it in turns to introduce students so we get a well rounded overview of them as developing teachers. Teachers may find it helpful to refer to student’s Introduction to Placement Schools form –in section B of PDPF which summarises their strengths and experience. Indicate a particular PD priority.

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