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Unconsciousness 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Unconsciousness 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unconsciousness 1

2 Learning Intentions Discuss how to keep yourself safe.
Be aware of why somebody might ne unconscious. Know what to do if you find somebody who is unconscious.

3 Play Movie – Unconsciousness

4 Walking Debate Activity

5 Walking Debate Activity

6 Walking Debate Activity

7 Walking Debate Activity

8 Walking Debate Activity

9 STAC………STAC……….STAC Stop Think Assess Call S T A C

10 Safety … Safety … Safety

11 What is Unconsciousness
Unconsciousness is when a person cannot respond to people and things happening around them. For example, they will not talk back to you when you tap them on the shoulder and say their name. They also do not move as all their muscles are relaxed (floppy). Their tongue will drop back and block their airway if they are lying flat on their back.

12 Major Causes of Unconsciousness
Fainting Imbalance Shock Head Injury Stroke Hypoxia Anaphylaxis Poisoning Epilepsy Diabetes

13 Practice rolling someone on to their side

14 What you do . . . Stop - Make sure it is safe for you to carry on.
Think - Check to see if they are breathing, tilt their head back, then: Look, Listen and Feel Assess - If they are breathing, roll them on to their side. Call - Call 999 as soon as possible. 14

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