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EU-CELAC INNOVACT Platform, Promoting EU-CELAC Cooperation on Cross-Border Innovation Support Border area Mexico - Guatemala October 2018.

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1 EU-CELAC INNOVACT Platform, Promoting EU-CELAC Cooperation on Cross-Border Innovation Support Border area Mexico - Guatemala October 2018

2 First Binational Meeting February 2018 - Mexico City
The main objective was to generate a commitment among regional stakeholders for cross-border collaboration. Participants: stakeholders that are part of the regional innovation ecosystem (more than 100). incluidos los gobiernos y las administraciones locales y regionales encargados de la promoción económica y las políticas de innovación, empresas locales y organizaciones empresariales locales, institutos de investigación, universidades, así como coordinadores de políticas nacionales. Aquí les enviamos un borrador, mañana si ustedes lo prefieren podemos tener una llamada para comentar Agrotech and Energy Working Groups

3 Study visit to Europe - June 2018
Objective Exchange of experience between actors from the border regions of Europe and Latin America on specific aspects of cross-border cooperation in support of innovation The working meetings gave the participants the possibility to obtain first-hand knowledge and to understand the types of actions implemented by cross-border regions in support of innovation and value chain development. Participants from the region: SEDATU, CONCYT, PRONACOM, Guatemalan Fair Trade Coordinator, AMEXCID, FIDESUR, Ministry of Economy of Yucatan and Campeche, AGER.

4 "Business Meeting: Alliance for the Development of Cross-Border Value Chains in the Agroindustrial Mexico-Guatemala Sector". Forum to disseminate the progress of INNOVACT and framework for the organization of working meetings for the development of action lines. Signature of the “Consenso de Quetzaltenango”, within which INNOVACT was seen as a possible collaboration tool for the construction of a permanent virtual platform.

5 Closing Event: Closing event: November 13th-14th Guatemala City

6 Strategic vision - Agrotech
Vision Cross-border value chain will be in a system of fair trade and intelligent agriculture, in line access to different distribution channels and sale of high quality products. Strategic Objectives Modernisation of the sector through the adoption and dissemination of new technologies. 4 lines of action were defined as a result of various working groups Digital Extensionism Linkage with IT companies and research centres for the development of IT solutions for producers. Development of virtual communication channels between value chain actors Stimulation of connectivity and technological infrastructure A partir de los grupos de trabajo y de las conclusiones de la visita de estudio se ha ido definiendo un plan de acción como base para proyectos transfronterizos de alto potencial en términos de la cadena de valor de energía y agrotech

7 Strategic vision - Energy
Vision Increase the efficient use of clean energy in the region. To include the concept of circular economy applied to local development. Strategic Objectives Integrate long-term actions in the region, involving all ecosystem actors and local communities 4 lines of action were defined as a result of various working groups Innovation and technical skills "Entrepreneurial Innovation Programme". Review of policies and regulations based on local evidence. Promotion and development of bioenergy production and use Impulse of the Southeast Renewable Energy Laboratory Cultura y resolver tema de energía circular

8 Dynamic cooperation between Mexico - Guatemala
June 2017 : Binational efforts focused on trade and investment through technical assistance in export promotion models, investment attraction and exchange of business intelligence methodologies. Mexico: Impulse to the Southeast through priority sectors Appearance of Special Economic Zones Implementation of Energy Reform Guatemala: Activation of the National Competitiveness Agenda with a focus on value chains and innovation Decentralisation and reinforcement of the role of the regions Technology transfer for the productive sectors

9 The Mexican government's interest in strengthening
commercial ties with Central America September 2018 : Mexico is preparing an economic development programme for Central America, which will include all the countries of the region, and in particular Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador . Interest in Global Approach Important actors in the south of the country CONCYT ESTA PREPARANDO TERMINOS DE REFERENCIA PARA IMPLEMENTAR ESTRATEGIAS DE INNOVACT INVOLUCRAMIENTO DE ACTORES DE IMPORTANTES EN LA ZONA DE QUETZALTENANGO

10 Participation of important actors in the Quetzaltenango Zone.
Some impacts in Guatemala Concyt is preparing the Terms of Reference to implement the Innovact Strategies. Participation of important actors in the Quetzaltenango Zone.

11 Contact points: Héctor Macías SEDATU Hugo Figueroa CONCYT

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