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Council-Manager Act Amendment Talking Points

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1 Council-Manager Act Amendment Talking Points
HB 147 Council-Manager Act Amendment Talking Points

2 Slight amendment to the Council-Manager Act of 1982 (City Manager form of government).
Does not affect or change any current City government or structure within the state. Merely provides a better option for Cities who want to consider this form of government in the future to tailor its governing body to better reflect its population and racial make-up. Makes it easier for Cities not to have to obtain special legislation to transition to a Council-Manager form of government.

3 Four (4) or Six (6) Council Members At Large or By District
Provides for a 5 or 7 member Council, with Mayor being part of the City Council and an appointed, professional City Manager. Could be At-Large or District City Council. (Mayor is at large in all scenarios.) Council Member Council Member Council Member Mayor Council Member Council Member Council Member Four (4) or Six (6) Council Members At Large or By District City Manager

4 Current structure in the Council-Manager Act of 1982 does not work for most communities. Only Tuskegee and Decatur have used this structure below as provided by the Council-Manager Act of 1982. Mayor Council President Council Member City Manager -At Large -At Large -By District All other cities that have Council-Manager form of government had to obtain special legislation.

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