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1st Trimester:=1,2 & 3 months Fetus

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1 1st Trimester:=1,2 & 3 months Fetus
Stages of Pregnancy 1st Trimester:=1,2 & 3 months Fetus ~Heart beat ~Arm and leg buds appear ~Eyes and brain develop ~Embryo is about the size of a BB pellet ~Baby lifts head Mother Breasts begin to get fuller and tender Fatigue, nausea Emotional, joy, fear, moodiness End of 3rd month abdomen enlarges

2 By the end of 1st trimester: ~Brain waves detected
~Bones and muscles develop ~Heart, lungs, brain, eyes, arms, and legs have formed

3 Fetus 2nd Trimester: 4, 5, 6 months ~Organs develop
~Fetus can hear and recognize voices ~Sex can be determined ~”Kick” is felt ~Hair forms ~Head/Facial features form ~Finger and toe nails grow

4 2nd Trimester: Mother Appetite increases Forgetful, clumsy Swollen abdomen Fetal movement can be detected at end of trimester

5 ~Fetus develops most of its weight
3rd Trimester: 7-9 months ~Fetus develops most of its weight ~By 8 months most fetus’s are 20 inches long ~Brain further develops ~Organs complete ~Fetus can move hand .

6 3rd Trimester: Breathing becomes difficult Blood volume raises 30-40% Organs become compressed Heart beats faster Eating is uncomfortable Emotional

7 Body Changes Uterus Known as the womb Expands Gets soft Skin Dark spots Dark line between navel and pubic hair Stretch marks may appear on thighs buttocks, breasts, stomach

8 Cravings May crave because your body is in need of certain vitamins and minerals Sometimes fresh fruit and veggies can get rid of cravings. Weight Gain 25-35 lbs Location Of Weight: Weight Gain: Baby 71/ 2 pounds Extra Weight pounds Fluids Pounds Uterus Pounds Amniotic Fluid Pounds Breasts Pounds Placenta /1 Pounds Total Weigh Gain Pounds

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