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Hamlet Act 1 Scene 4 Notes.

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1 Hamlet Act 1 Scene 4 Notes

2 1. Mole of Nature Speech Hamlet generalizes
One defeat or flaw can ruin a person (Aristotle’s tragic flaw) We are not always all that we seem ( Appearance/reality theme)

3 Mole of Nature Speech Hamlet has great nobility
Truly appalled by the corruption of the world around him Intelligent but wordy

4 2. Hamlet’s Reaction to the Ghost
Reckless with his life, willing to die “set my life at a pin’s fee” Capable of sudden purposeful violence We see his violent struggle against the well-meaning restraint of his friends

5 Hamlet’s Reaction to the Ghost
Is Hamlet truly going mad?

6 3. Disease Imagery Marcellus reminds us “something is rotten in the state of Denmark”

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