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Welcome WAVE 3 Learning Event 1 Part 1

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome WAVE 3 Learning Event 1 Part 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome WAVE 3 Learning Event 1 Part 1
Programme Supported By

2 Introduction Please feel free to tweet as we go along @sharemydialysis
Re- Introduce the teams ask to confirm if any new members today : Wolverhampton (Stacey Robinson) Stevenage (Siobhan) Sheffield (Veena) Sunderland (Laurna) Stoke (Helen Barlow – new) Nottingham (Alison) Re-Introduce – Core team & Research team – Jo and Steve Confirming the main messages for today Building on the Collaborative we have started Learning from the first small steps of all our PDSA cycles and RESEARCH DATA RETURNS Recognising that SHAREHD (like the rest of the NHS Organisation) is using Quality Improvement to : identify what can be improved articulate the change / test what works and why but also what does NOT work and why There are multiple views on what is good, what is important, what is relevant Need to understand there are multiple angles and there is always improvements that can be made BUT – key importance is WHY are we doing this Do the numbers really matter ? What matters is that sharing care with the patients is the right thing to do. This is not the start or the end but a culture change to make Continuous Improvement and Shared Care the norm. Please feel free to tweet as we go along @sharemydialysis #whyidosharedcare

3 Your Team John Bibby QI Expert

4 Housekeeping Free Wifi Fire Alarm Test Security Mobiles
Toilets Health & Safety Refreshments

5 Shared Haemodialysis Care
"The objective of Shared Haemodialysis Care is for people who receive dialysis at centres to have the opportunity, choice and information to participate in aspects of their treatment and thereby improve their experience and their outcomes. This requires a collaborative approach between health care professionals and patients : without patient involvement at every level it would be misdirected and irrelevant".

6 Scaling Up Implementation SHAREHD Programme Aims
SHAREHD Reported AIMS – Patients participating in 5/14 tasks will increase by 30% above baseline in 6 months Patients dialysing independently will increase by 50% by programme end Non reported Expected OUTCOMES - Improve patient self-management skills irrespective of Patient health literacy level Use health care resources more effectively through greater patient participation – does NOT increase delivery costs Improve patient experience and HCP job satisfaction Provides opportunity to increase delivery model flexibility to extend to self care locations, HHD and drop in centres. Health literacy David from Sheffield

7 What have we found so far ?
Each unit and trust has contextual variation (+ve and –ve) Measures are important but we need to measure choice Patterns to implementation hence development of a roadmap Patients usually want to do SHC staff and process get in the way Resilience and Tenacity and working together will get you there Formal Research Analysis now started initial data looks promising Ask by show of hands who is going to NKF Manchester Home therapies

8 Leeds Patient Video

9 The waves Lead Wave TRUST Dr Sandip Mitra 2 Central Manchester
Dr Saeed Ahmed 1 Sunderland Dr Praveen Jeevaratnam E&N Hertfordshire Dr Nicola Kumar Guys & St Thomas Dr Jyoti Baharani Heart of England Dr Elizabeth Garthwaite Leeds Dr Albert Power North Bristol Dr Alastair Ferraro Nottingham Dr Veena Reddy Sheffield Dr Babu Ramakrishna Wolverhampton Dr Mark Lambie North Midlands Dr Paul Laboi York Dr Asheesh Sharma 3 Liverpool Dr Veshal Dey Ayrshire & Arran Dr Ying Kuan Western Trust Dr Jennifer Hanko Belfast Dr Didem Tez South Tees Dr Clara Day QE Birmingham

10 Wave 3 – Objectives Validate the Toolkit and Roadmap
Confirm the content and delivery of a Repeatable LEARNING EVENT package Confirm Methods for local adaption of Patient Co-Production in SHC Reinforcement of the Evaluation and Creation of transferable Key Performance Indicator (KPI) measures Sustaining Shared Care Ask by show of hands who is going to NKF Manchester Home therapies

11 Your Quality Improvement Network
Action Period Calls A Shared Vision Sharing resources Co Production Quality Improvement Learning events Teams of HCP and Patients Toolkits and Roadmaps Sustainability Plans Patient focus Group Team to Team Support “patients & staff working together sharing ownership & control” “turning reflective learning into action” Action learning Liz Hill-Smith 27/01/2016 That "change support" I mention in last slide underpins each of these. Shared Vision needs to be shared with the "money and resource" people, the Team needs to include them, Comms plans needs to hit their buttons etc. Although you can choose your sites to ensure this sponsorship is there at the start, ongoing effort will be no doubt be needed to maintain and embed this through the project duration. Patients competitive about their bloods – motivation, open days, patient “making Shared Care everyone’s responsibility” “real world co-production”

12 Todays Agenda Arrivals Introduction, Getting started Break
Getting to know you Nottingham top tips Lunch Using QI to progress Shared Care Stevenage Top Tips Action planning & Parallel Patient Focus group Considering co-production Final Wrap up Departures

13 For being part of the Movement
Thankyou For being part of the Movement

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