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The Cell Membrane.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cell Membrane."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cell Membrane

2 Phospholipid Bilayer Out In

3 Repels water or water-like substances
Out Hydrophobic zone Repels water or water-like substances In

4 Attracted to water or water-like substances
Out In Hydrophilic zones Attracted to water or water-like substances

5 Substances tend to move down a concentration gradient
High concentration Low concentration

6 Oxygen Out In Diffusion

7 Out In Diffusion

8 Out In Equal concentration on both sides and equal movement in and out = equilibrium

9 Out In Osmosis Lower solute concentration Higher water concentration
Protein channel In Water Higher solute concentration Lower water concentration Osmosis An example of facilitated diffusion

10 Out In

11 Out In

12 Out In

13 Out In Equal concentration of solutes on both sides and equal movement in and out = equilibrium

14 Facilitated diffusion

15 Out In

16 Out In

17 Out In

18 Out In

19 Concentration of each solute is the same on both sides and equal movement in and out = equilibrium

20 Active Transport

21 ATP ATP = energy


23 Concentration of solute is NOT the same on both sides

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