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Moon, Mars and Milky Way 2018 august 11.

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1 Moon, Mars and Milky Way 2018 august 11

2 Description of the Presentation
In the following presentation I will show an image of the Moon, Mars and the Milky Way. In this presentation you will be able to perceive the celestial bodies and also understand more about what they are and where is our solar system in the Milky Way as well as many interesting facts about our galaxy, the Moon and Mars.


4 Mars Mars is named after the Roman god of war “Ares”.
Only 16 out of 39 missions have been successful. Pieces of Mars have been found on Earth. Mars was once believed to be home to intelligent life. The tallest mountain known in the solar system is on Mars.

5 The Moon It is the fifth largest moon in the Solar System.
The Moon orbits the Earth every 27.3 days. Mons Huygens is the tallest mountain on the Moon, it is 4700 meters tall, just over half the height of Mt Everest (8848m). The surface of the Moon features a huge number of impact craters from comets and asteroids that have collided with the surface over time. Because the Moon lacks an atmosphere or weather these craters remain well preserved.

6 The Milky Way We are in the Orion arm of the Milky Way.
It has Over 200 Billion Stars and between 100 to 400 Billion Solar Systems. It was Made From Other Galaxies. It’s Almost as Old as the Universe Itself. It’s on the move. There is a Black Hole at the Center.

7 In Conclusion

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