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Let There Be Genesis 1:3-13 7/22/2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Let There Be Genesis 1:3-13 7/22/2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let There Be Genesis 1:3-13 7/22/2018

2 Light The Hebrew verb used in the appearance of light is not “bara” (translated: created). The verb is “hayah” (To exist or become). Why is this important? Day one- The number one is a cardinal number in Hebrew, singular in meaning: one.

3 Day Hebrew word is “yowm” means “to be hot”.
Day cycle is evening/morning The day/age theory has no textual basis. Anything without God is always vanity. Night Darkness

4 Expanse What happens to water when it is heated? Spheres
Troposphere- closes to earth, 7 miles deep, 99% of water vapor, jet stream 250 mph Stratosphere- Inverted heating, winds at 300 mph Mesosphere miles above earth, degrees Thermosphere- ionic waves, 3630 degrees

5 Land The earth now has dry land and sea Vegetation “It was good”

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