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PDSA Cycle Plan Do Study Act Step 4 : Act Step 1 : Plan Step 2 : Do

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1 PDSA Cycle Plan Do Study Act Step 4 : Act Step 1 : Plan Step 2 : Do
Adopt if solution has worked Adapt if some benefits realised Abandon if it hasn’t worked Step 1 : Plan Describe the issue? What outcome do you want? How will you measure any improvement? Plan what you are going to do differently ‘who, what, where, when and how’ Plan Do Study Act Step 2 : Do Carry out the plan and collect information on what worked well and what issues need tackling Step 3 : Study Observe the results Analyse the data Compare to predictions Summarise learning

2 PDSA Cycle Plan Do Study Act Step 4 : Act Step 1 : Plan Step 2 : Do
Step 3 : Study

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