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Previously Paul has called for unity – by considering others and humility (with Jesus our perfect example). It is something we must work at – we do our.

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Presentation on theme: "Previously Paul has called for unity – by considering others and humility (with Jesus our perfect example). It is something we must work at – we do our."— Presentation transcript:

1 Studies in Philippians(13) Children of God Without Fault Philippians 2:14-16

2 Previously Paul has called for unity – by considering others and humility (with Jesus our perfect example). It is something we must work at – we do our part and God does His. This conduct will have an impact on those around us, for good or bad. In our text today, Paul describes how we are to behave in this world.

3 Lights in a Dark World Introduction
2019 Theme Lights in a Dark World Introduction Philippians 2:15

4 Our crooked… generation (15)
Paul is writing while in the Roman Empire (as a prisoner). Paganism, immorality, war and slavery, human philosophies, corrupt governments, etc. Consider Philippi – Acts 16 – Paul and Silas beaten and thrown into prison for doing a good work, and preaching Christ (20-21). In our letter, they are suffering (Philippians 1:7, 27-30)

5 Our crooked… generation (15)
Is today any different? Do passages describing the times then, still apply? (Romans 1:18-32, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13) The “post-Christian” era – God, the Bible and Jesus are rejected, doubted and villainized. Believers ARE facing persecutions The “New Atheism” – radical resistance

6 Our crooked… generation (15)
Is today any different? We live in the “me” generation – of selfishness, immorality, violence, intolerance toward true Bible believers, incivility, humanism, justified falsehood (lying for a cause), evolution. Purveyors of profanity and filth are revered rather than reviled.

Our crooked… generation (15) Is today any different? Every year, Christians are loosing more freedoms. If things do not change, greater persecutions lie ahead. WE CANNOT IGNORE THESE THINGS!

8 Shining as lights (14-15) In these times, we are called upon to let our lights shine. Putting forth the gospel in a dark world – 1 Peter 2:9, Matthew 5:14-16 so that God will be glorified We can let our lights shine Consider Noah – Genesis 6:5 Consider Daniel – Daniel 6:4-5 Consider Lot – 2 Peter 2:7, Genesis 18:32-33

9 Shining as lights (14-15) Proper attitude is the beginning place Without complaining (grumbling) – utterance made in a low tone of voice (BDAG) 1 Corinthians 10:10, 1 Peter 4:9 – hospitable Do we complain “behind their back”? Or maybe with our demeanor rather than our words?

10 Shining as lights (14-15) Without disputing (arguing, debating) – a verbal exchange reflecting ideas, thoughts and opinions, often challenging others. Often translated “evil thoughts” (James 2:4, Matthew 15:19) We do need to discuss differences But NOT just to argue (1 Timothy 1:4, 4:7, 6:3-5, 2 Timothy 2:14-16, 23)

11 Shining as lights (14-15) Without complaining or disputing
We have things that need to be done, sometimes unpleasant or mundane. We can complain and be sullen or we can do it with the best possible attitude Do you like to be around someone who is always grumbling? Such are not qualities of goodness (James 3:17-18, Galatians 5:22-23)

12 Shining as lights (14-15) Blameless – free of guilt, innocent - one to whom a legitimate charge cannot be rendered Cf. 1 Thessalonians 3:13 – blameless before God

13 Shining as lights (14-15) Harmless (innocent – NASB) – one who is pure. Living with great integrity Matthew 10:16 – harmless as doves Romans 16:19 – “simple” concerning evil Are we “innocent” as we deal with those outside?

14 Shining as lights (14-15) Children of God without fault (above reproach – NASB) – living with great integrity 2 Peter 3:14 – found by Him blameless Not giving our spiritual enemies “ammunition” to use against us. 1 Peter 3:15-16, 2:11-12 – honorable conduct which causes the accuser to be put to shame, or glorify God

15 Shining as lights (14-15) Children of God without fault
It is difficult enough to be faithful in an ungodly environment without giving cause to our critics. Historical atrocities done “in the name of God” are still used against us. Bad and intolerant behavior of “believers” today harms His cause Why give opportunity to blaspheme God?

16 Shining as lights (16) Holding fast the word of life We cannot compromise God’s word as we live our lives. At times, living for Him WILL promote hostility (cf. 2 Timothy 3:12), but we must stand firm in His word – Luke 12:8, Galatians 2:5 More on this next week, as we also notice Paul’s response

17 Children of God without Fault Phil. 2:14-16
How is your light shining? Children of God without Fault Phil. 2:14-16

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