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Problems of Peace Reconstruction.

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Presentation on theme: "Problems of Peace Reconstruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Problems of Peace Reconstruction

2 South in 1865 Barren Anarchy Disease Hunger Union there

3 Goals of Reconstruction
Democrats Self-reconstruction

4 Goals 2 (Republicans) Repudiation of secession
Guarantee of freedom and civil liberties for ex-slaves Political power for southern unionists Political dq for the South

5 Andrew Johnson Republican Would move towards Democrat ideals

6 Amnesty States who took oath of allegiance offered amnesty

7 Amnesty Excluded Civil and Diplomatic officials Army above col.
Navy: Lt. Resigned congressmen Federal judges Military officers on rebel side

8 Appointed Governors Appointed 7 all together N.C. first
Unionists turned Confederates

9 Abolition of Slavery Universal and Equal Suffrage Association
Voting rights

10 Johnson’s Take Property value of at least $250
Blacks had to be literate 1 of 9 were literate

11 Wade Hampton Confederate
Would support president as long as states rights ok

12 Land Land made freedom real 6/21/1866 Southern Homestead Act

13 Compulsion “Negro only works under compulsion” Free Labor

14 Vagrancy S.C.: White employers called masters Black workers= servants
Black Code MS: No job, arrested for vagrancy Were sent to work

15 Trumbull Civil Rights Bill Nullify Dred Scott and black codes

16 Trumbull 2 Own or rent property Contract rights
Witness and court parties

17 Johnson’s Vetoes Civil Rights Bill 14th Amendment Absence of the South

18 Radical Wishes Ex-rebels could not vote Confiscation of land
Redistribute that land Nullify Southern government Territorial probation Suffrage vote

19 Impeachment 1st ever 2/3 majority senate Simple majority house

20 Republican Power Lincoln made them unstoppable
Majority in Southern states now

21 Impeachment Accepted Arraigned on 10 charges
He was not convicted and removed Would continue

22 Law 1866: Milligan vs. U.S. Military trials of civilians in non-war zone Ex Parte McCradle Denied Habeas Corpus 1868

23 Grant Elected 1868 Brodhead letter
Grant wants success of reconstruction

24 Nathan Bedford Forrest
Former Confederate Founder of Klu Klux Klan Pulaski, TN

25 Klan Plan Whipped teachers at Freedmen schools Punished freedmen
Whipped freedmen who acted insolent towards white

26 Klan and Election Political murders
22 GA counties with 9,300 registered blacks

27 Klan and Election 2 Grant got 87 votes out of a possible 9,300
.009 percent

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