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Carer Support Update Healthwatch Event 19th October 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Carer Support Update Healthwatch Event 19th October 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carer Support Update Healthwatch Event 19th October 2016

2 Joint Carers Strategy 2016-21
4 local Priorities in line with national carers strategy Identification and recognition Realising and releasing potential A life outside carers Supporting carers to stay healthy Action plan developed around these themes and overseen by Carers Partnership Board

3 Data relating to carers
2011 Census – 11,626 carers providing support In 2015/16 SBC: interacted with 929 carers – either assessing, offering an assessment, or providing some form of support (info & advice through to commissioned or paid for services). undertook 492 Carer assessments and 196 joint assessments with both carer and cared for.  153 individual carers received a Direct Payment

4 Summary of recent activities to support carers
Commissioned SPACE to deliver carers support – eg forums, carers week, information & advice, carers assessments, carers training and support groups Established young carers steering group - action plan in place, MOU signed - joint commitment btn SBC and Children’s Trust to work together to support young carers . Purchased digital resource developed by Carers UK & Surrey CC. ‘Jointly' - stores and shares information about person being cared for. ‘About me’ – helps identify resources to help prevent caring role becoming over whelming. Awareness raising/ promotion taking place locally. SBC signed up to 'employers for carers’ - will work with local small and middle size businesses as part on an umbrella network to look at how to develop more carer friendly organisations. DPs for carers remain a priority area for SBC. Between April – July 45 carers were offered a DP Working with SPACE and life long learning to identify training /volunteer opportunities for carers.

5 What's coming up… Submitting an idea to the Patient Panel to :
Benchmark support provided to carers by GPs Practices, seek out good practice examples, find out how GPs can be better supported ,raise awareness on value that carers contribute emotionally and financially and practically. New tool kit produced by NHS England – integrated approach to identifying /assessing carers Initial scoping meeting within Berkshire East colleagues to look at planning event to promote tool kit Replacement (respite) care tender over next few months Community and building based support

6 Plea…. DOH undertaking National carers survey over next few weeks –SBC writing to carers to complete. Please encourage carers to complete. We want carers feedback as helps shape services. Ensure carers are aware about flu jabs to protect themselves and those they care for ( available at GP practices major pharmacies) Promote health checks for those aged over 45

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