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Cell System Analogy.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell System Analogy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell System Analogy

2 Each cell has many jobs or functions.
True or False? Each cell has many jobs or functions.

3 Cells are systems... But what are systems?

4 Write these questions in your notebook on p. 20R
Answer them as we watch the video. SYSTEMS VIDEO NOTES 1. What is a system? 2. What are some examples of systems?

5 Show first 5 minutes

6 A group of parts working together
Add the word system to our glossary in the back of your ISN. What is a system? A group of parts working together The parts have a different job from the whole A system needs all parts to function

7 What are some examples of systems? Pg 20L
How is this video game console a system?

8 2. How is the school a system?
What parts work together? What is the job of each part? What is the function/job of the whole school?

9 3.How is a soccer team a system?
What are the different parts? What is the main job/function?

10 What are some examples of systems? Pg 20L
4. Draw a model of a system? Be sure to label the key components and explain there function.

11 It is due on Monday October 9th.
Cell Analogy The Cell analogy assignment will be turned in for a project grade. It is worth 30% of your grade. Work hard on it. It is due on Monday October 9th.

12 2. The cell membrane is like the walls of the manufacturing plant with a door because the wall protect the manufacturing plant only allowing in what it needs just like the cell membrane is a barrier that controls which substances can enter or leave the cell.

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