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3.2 Cognitive Level of Analysis Cognition and Emotion

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1 3.2 Cognitive Level of Analysis Cognition and Emotion

2 Why do we clearly forget some events and forget others?

3 3 Components of Emotions
Physiological Changes Not conscious, arousal of autonomous and endocrine systems Person’s subjective feeling of an emotion Ex. happiness Associated behaviour Smiling Running away

4 Emotions as a Guide Emotions and how we cope
Cognitive appraisal: interpretation, what to do based on past experience Fight or Flight Prepares individual to confront or avoid danger

5 Biological Factors in Emotion
Amygdala Critical to brain’s emotional circuit Emotional memories Adrenaline Released when strong emotions evoked.

6 Le Doux’s Model of Biological Pathways
Emotional Brain (1999) Short Route Directly from Thalamus to Amygdala Long Route From Thalamus to Sensory Cortex and Hippocampus to Amygdala What is the advantage to having both a long and short route?

7 Cognitive Factors in Emotion: Appraisal
How will this situation impact my well being? Positive and negative: Benefit vs. Risk Factors that Moderate Stress Appraisal of threat Appraisal of one’s resources to deal with threat Motivation Beliefs about self and world Environmental variables Nature of the danger, social networks

8 Problem-focused Coping Emotion-focused coping
Aimed at changing the situation Emotion-focused coping Handle emotions instead of situation Escape Self-control Social support Positive reappraisal of situation

9 Appraisal and emotional arousal
Speisman et al. (1964) Film about genital surgery What happened? What are the implications?

10 Emotion and a cognitive process The Flashbulb Theory
Brown and Kulik (1977) VS. Neisser (1982) Flashbulb memories Compare and contrast the two view points. What have studies shown about the accuracy of emotional memories? Talarico and Rubin (2003) pg. 91

11 Results: Inaccuracy of emotional memories is common
Emotional intensity Greater memory confidence NOT accuracy Why? Post event information Current attitudes and emotions my influence Past emotional memories are reconstructed Based on current appraisal of events

12 Breckler (1994) Holmberg and Holmes (1994) Memories of blood donation
Memories of marriage

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