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2 Peter Lesson 8.

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1 2 Peter Lesson 8

2 Review possible outline of 2 peter
1:1-4 What God did for believers 1:5-11 Qualities believers are to supply to their faith 1:12-21 Peter’s death/but he had been diligent 2 False Teachers/destructive heresies/judgment 3 Warning of mockers/scoffers Day of Judgment is coming and Christ’s return

3 2 peter 3 Day of the Lord/Day of God Are the same
Comes in the Last Days vs. 3 Day of Judgment/destruction for ungodly vs. 7 Comes like a thief, unexpectedly vs. 10 Heavens pass away with a roar vs. 10 Elements destroyed with intense heat vs. 10 Earth and its works burned up vs. 10

4 Old testament cross references
Isaiah 13:6-13 Destruction from the Almighty Every man’s heart will melt Astonishment/aghast Fury/wrath and burning/fierce anger Land will be a desolation, exterminate sinners Stars flash no light, sun dark, moon dark Punish the WORLD for evil Man scarcer than pure gold/people will be rare Heavens tremble at the Lord’s fury and wrath The Day of His burning anger

5 Old testament cross references
Ez. 7:19 Silver and gold cannot deliver Iniquity has become an occasion for stumbling Ez. 30:1-3 Day of clouds/doom for the nations Joel 1:15 Destruction from the Almighty Joel 2:2 Darkness/gloom/clouds/darkness Never been anything like it Joel 2:3 Great and mighty people with fire behind and before them: no escape…who can endure?

6 Old testament cross references
Joel 3:9-21 Nations will be judged Sun and moon grow dark/stars loose their brightness The Lord roars, heavens and earth tremble Lord is a refuge for His people Jerusalem will be holy Egypt and Edom will be judged God will avenge Israel Judah and Jerusalem will be inhabited forever

7 Old testament cross references
Zeph. 1:7-18 Day of the Lord’s sacrifice Punishment for those who say, “The Lord will not do good or evil” Wrath, trouble, distress Destruction and desolation Lord will make a complete end of ALL the inhabitants of the earth

8 New testament cross references
Christ’s Return Matt. 24 Just like the time before the Flood “They did not understand UNTIL the flood took them away” vs. 39 2 Pet. 3:13 The faithful will not be surprised Only like a thief for those who don’t believe Believers are NOT destined for wrath 5:9

9 Believers’ conduct & responsibility
2 Pet. 3:11 Live godly lives in holy conduct 3:12 LOOK for and HASTEN the coming day of God 3:14 Be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless Matt. 24 Be faithful, sensible, wise and obedient to our Master Be found, giving His servants their rations at the proper time vs

10 Believers’ conduct & Responsibility
Luke 12 Be ready/stay dressed for action, on the alert, faithful, sensible, wise and obedient I Thess. Serve Him, be found waiting on Him Increase and abound in love for one another and for all men Be sober/live together with Him Encourage one another Build one another up

11 Believers’ conduct & responsibility
I John Fix your hope on Him Luke 19 Be faithful no matter the size or amount God has entrusted you with 2 Pet. 1:5-7 Practice these qualities as evidence of your salvation Knowledge will lead to steadfastness 2 Pet. 3:18 Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

12 Believers’ conduct & responsibility
I Pet. 2:2 Long for the pure milk of the Word Heb. 5 Move on to solid food like the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil (vs. 14) Col. 2 Walk in Christ, firmly rooted in Him Don’t be taken captive through philosophy and empty deception by the tradition of men Be built up in Him Be established in your faith Be overflowing with gratitude

13 Believers’ conduct & responsibility
2 Tim. 2:15 Be approved workmen so you don’t need to be ashamed Handle the Word accurately Eph. 5 Christ cleanses the church through His Word so grow in your knowledge/practice of it! Be the bride Christ presents to the Father, without spot or wrinkle BECAUSE you have been on your guard and have grown in Truth

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