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Management Development Programs

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1 Management Development Programs
January 2012

2 Introduction Key Insights Survey Question Graphs
In appreciation for your participation in this survey, we have created this exclusive summary of results. The data you provided is being leveraged in our research. Thank you for your participation. This document has these three main sections: Key Insights Survey Question Graphs Respondent Demographics If you have any questions or concerns please contact: Scott Koopman Panel Coordinator McLean & Company

3 Survey Question Graphs Respondent Demographics Key Insights
McLean & Company

4 Evaluate each delivery method used to get a clear picture of where your program is succeeding or falling short Programs with a higher frequency of evaluation also have a higher chance of success Parts are easier to evaluate than the whole: Every development program is made up of several different delivery methods designed to help achieve the program’s overall goals. An effective end-to-end program relies on several stages to be successful. To determine success, some form of evaluation after each method is delivered should be taking place so the strength or weakness of individual components can be judged independently. Frequency of Evaluations Frequent evaluation is vital because: If one aspect of the program is faulty, the whole program suffers. If you catch problems early as they occur, then you can make changes on-the-fly and better control losses. Even if you have an overall successful program, evaluation after each step will illuminate where improvements can still be made. Overall Program Success Program Success Source: McLean & Company, N=84

5 Why are some methods used less than others?
Take note: the least used delivery methods have very high success rates, so don’t overlook them Organizations tend to choose delivery methods based on comfort or familiarity, not effectiveness. In fact, the three most used delivery methods have lower success rates than the three least used ones. Why are some methods used less than others? In the case of e-learning, webinars, and video conferencing, there is a perceived technological hurdle to overcome in terms of access, user comfort and cost. For reflective journaling, most organizations simply don’t think of it as a tool for learning since taking time for reflection is often undervalued. Keep in mind: Even those methods that have high success rates should always be used in combination with multiple other delivery methods.

6 Survey Question Graphs Respondent Demographics Key Insights
McLean & Company





11 Survey Question Graphs Respondent Demographics Key Insights
McLean & Company






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Within the coming weeks, McLean & Company will be launching several more short surveys that will offer similar results to these. If you participate, you will receive the results for every project you participated in. To ensure you are included or for more information please Scott Koopman McLean & Company

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