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Midterm Review CSE116A,B.

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1 Midterm Review CSE116A,B

2 Date and Format 10/2/2002 In class, 50 minute exam Closed book
Some multiple choice, others regular question and answer; some code writing Topics: Ch.1, Ch.2 and Ch.4, all the topics covered during lectures and recitations, project 1 concepts. Ch.4: only Stacks and Queues Excluded: Analysis of algorithms

3 Topics Primitive data types and wrappers: int, Integer, double, Double etc. Array: definition, manipulation: single and multidimensional Types, interfaces, abstract classes, concrete classes. Inheritance hierarchy and polymorphic dispatch.

4 Topics (contd.) Recursion as a problem solving tool.
Java ArrayList: use of it Stack and Queue ADT: definition, and application Algorithmic problem solving. Exception handling We will review each of these during the help session on 9/30, 215 NSC, pm

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