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Political Cartoon – A humorous depiction of a social, political, or historical situation, issue, or problem based on the artist’s opinion.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Cartoon – A humorous depiction of a social, political, or historical situation, issue, or problem based on the artist’s opinion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Cartoon – A humorous depiction of a social, political, or historical situation, issue, or problem based on the artist’s opinion.





6 Your Task – You are an artist commissioned to create a political cartoon about a problem caused by the Articles of Confederation. Requirements–1. Your cartoon must be in color on 11 by 17 paper or you may use Toondoo. If you use Toondoo, you must create an account with an address. Do not use your wssdgmail account. 2. You may use more than one panel. 3. Put your name on the back of your cartoon. 4. It must depict a problem that occurred during the Articles of Confederation 5. Do not use stick figures. 6. You may create your political cartoon on it to me when you finish. You must it to me at Your Audience – Me Point Value – 25 points Due Date: Monday, December 10

7 Toondoo Example


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