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Life in the Industrial Age

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1 Life in the Industrial Age
CH. 22

2 The Industrial Revolution Spreads
Section 1 The Industrial Revolution Spreads

3 The Second Industrial Revolution – 1850-
Where? Germany** US** Japan Western Europe ** By 1900 both Germany and the US will overtake Great Britain as the largest economies

4 New Methods of Production:
Interchangeable Parts Assembly Line Mass Production Higher Standard of Living

5 Ford’s Assembly Line Result: Mass production

6 New Forms of Business Stocks - Corporation - Monopolies - Cartels –

7 New Technology Steel replaces iron Petroleum replaces steam and coal
Electricity Transportation revolutionized: the automobile, eventually airplane Communications revolutionized: radio, telephone, telegraph. Eventually TV and the internet, satellites

8 Movers and Shakers (1815-1914) Thinkers and Inventors
Ideas, Inventions, Discoveries Impact Alexander Graham Bell Telephone, Marconi Wireless radio Henry Ford Assembly line Thomas Edison Light bulb, motion pictures, phonograph Wright Brothers airplane

9 Movers and Shakers (1815-1914) Charles Darwin Theory of evolution
Louis Pasteur ‘pasteurization” Alfred Nobel dynamite William Morton anesthesia Joseph Lister antiseptics Albert Einstein Atomic theory Theory of relativity

10 Section 2 The Growth of Cities

11 Symbol of New Industrial City:
1887 Worlds tallest structure until 1930 What new technology made this possible?

12 Improvements in City Life:
Medicine and Population Link between microbes and disease established Hygiene improved Anesthesia and antiseptics introduced Beautification of Cities Sidewalks, sewers and skyscrapers Parks introduced (NY Central Park opened in 1857) All classes of people Young people and artists

13 Working Class: Slums, tenements gradually improved
Mutual aid societies formed Right to vote extended Rising standard of living

14 The Effects of the Industrial Revolution:
IMMEDIATE EFFECTS Rise of the factory system Urbanization Growth of the urban poor Poor working conditions New economic ways of thinking (ex: Socialism)

15 Long Term Effects: Mass production of goods Progress in medical care
Rise of labor unions Growth of the middle class Public Education Increased world trade Mass media and communication Continued population growth

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