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Jeopardy - mollusks and worms!

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1 Jeopardy - mollusks and worms!
Welcome to Jeopardy - mollusks and worms!

2 Another Presentation © 2001 - All rights Reserved Mark E. Damon

3 Directions: Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the categories on the main game boards. As you play the game, click on the TEXT DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box. When they have given a question, click again anywhere on the screen to see the correct question. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen and checking off as you go. Click on the “Game” box to return to the main scoreboard. Enter the score into the black box on each players podium. Continue until all clues are given. When finished, DO NOT save the game. This will overwrite the program with the scores and data you enter. You MAY save it as a different name, but keep this file untouched!

4 Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2

5 This way and That way Movers and Shakers Dinner time The Phylum Names of Science Worm and squid parts, yum yum! Worm openings…who has an anus? Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

6 The phylum name for the oysters
$100 The phylum name for the oysters

7 $100 What is a mollusk? Scores

8 The class name for slugs
$200 The class name for slugs

9 $200 What are gastropods? Scores

10 The kingdom that clams belong to
$300 The kingdom that clams belong to

11 What is the animal kingdom?
$300 What is the animal kingdom? Scores

12 The phylum name for snails
$400 The phylum name for snails

13 $400 What is Gastropod? Scores

14 The phylum name for octopus & squid
$500 The phylum name for octopus & squid

15 $500 What is Cephalopod? Scores

16 The pigment spots responsible for quick color changes.
$100 The pigment spots responsible for quick color changes.

17 What are chromatophores?
$100 What are chromatophores? Scores

18 The location of the mouth of the squid.
$200 The location of the mouth of the squid.

19 What is between all the tentacles?
$200 What is between all the tentacles? Scores

20 The special on a snail’s muscular foot to help it move
$300 The special on a snail’s muscular foot to help it move

21 $300 What is slime? Scores

22 Daily Double

23 How the foot of an octopus is modified
$400 How the foot of an octopus is modified

24 $400 What are tentacles? Scores

25 Water and ink come out of this structure in squid
$500 Water and ink come out of this structure in squid

26 $500 What is the siphon? Scores

27 The snail has this many body openings.
$100 The snail has this many body openings.

28 $100 What is two? Scores

29 A mollusk has this to produce
a shell if it has one. $200

30 What is a mantle? $200 Scores

31 Balance and stabilization in the water for squid
$300 Balance and stabilization in the water for squid

32 $300 What are fins? Scores

33 The kind of symmetry that mollusks have.
$400 The kind of symmetry that mollusks have.

34 What is bilateral symmetry?
$400 What is bilateral symmetry? Scores

35 Planarians have a _______-way digestive system.
$500 Planarians have a _______-way digestive system.

36 $500 What is two? Scores

37 The planarian eats by doing this
$100 The planarian eats by doing this

38 $100 What is extends its pharynx, sprays digestive juices (acidic) onto prey, and suck it in? Scores

39 The gastropod has this special adaptation to eat with.
$200 The gastropod has this special adaptation to eat with.

40 $200 What is the radula? Scores

41 The tapeworm eats this way.
$300 The tapeworm eats this way.

42 What is absorbs the nutrients through its skin?
$300 What is absorbs the nutrients through its skin? Scores

43 The cephalopod has this inside its mouth to help crush its prey.
$400 The cephalopod has this inside its mouth to help crush its prey.

44 $400 What is a beak? Scores

45 The bivalve eats using this method.
$500 The bivalve eats using this method.

46 $500 What is filter feeding?

47 The head end of an organism
$100 The head end of an organism

48 $100 What is anterior? Scores

49 The belly or front end of an organism.
$200 The belly or front end of an organism.

50 $200 What is ventral? Scores

51 The back of an organism (for the worm, it was the top of it)
$300 The back of an organism (for the worm, it was the top of it)

52 $300 What is dorsal? Scores

53 The tail end of an organism
$400 The tail end of an organism

54 $400 What is posterior? Scores

55 The tentacles and arms of the squid are located on this surface.
$500 The tentacles and arms of the squid are located on this surface.

56 $500 What is ventral? Scores

57 A gastropod will move like this
$100 A gastropod will move like this

58 What is using it’s muscular foot and a layer of slime?
$100 What is using it’s muscular foot and a layer of slime? Scores

59 A cephalopod moves this way.
$200 A cephalopod moves this way.

60 $200 What is jet propulsion?

61 A larvae of a bivalve can move this way.
$300 A larvae of a bivalve can move this way.

62 $300 What is swim/float? Scores

63 The planaria is coated with tiny hairs called _______ to help it move.
$400 The planaria is coated with tiny hairs called _______ to help it move.

64 $400 What is cilia? Scores

65 $500 This is the part of a cephalopod that they blow water out of to move around…(in the mantle and out the ___________)

66 $500 What is the siphon? Scores

67 Who is having babies?? Name that phylum More food review Stuck in you?? Help me, protect me! You gotta have heart Round 1 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Final Jeopardy $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Scores $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

68 The earthworm eats this
$200 The earthworm eats this

69 $200 What is dirt? Scores

70 The Planaria is this type of feeder.
$400 The Planaria is this type of feeder.

71 What is scavenger OR predator?
$400 What is scavenger OR predator? Scores

72 The type of animal that likes to eat plants is called this
$600 The type of animal that likes to eat plants is called this

73 $600 What is an herbivore? Scores

74 The type of animal that eats meat
$800 The type of animal that eats meat

75 $800 What is a carnivore? Scores

76 The type of animal that eats dead or decaying meat.
$1000 The type of animal that eats dead or decaying meat.

77 $1000 What is a scavenger? Scores

78 The tapeworm is one of these because it lives in something.
$200 The tapeworm is one of these because it lives in something.

79 $200 What is a parasite? Scores

80 Daily Double

81 An animal that has a parasite is called this.
$400 An animal that has a parasite is called this.

82 $400 What is a host? Scores

83 Another word for being non-parasitic.
$600 Another word for being non-parasitic.

84 $600 What is free-living? Scores

85 The cephalopod is smart and a good hunter so it is called this.
$800 The cephalopod is smart and a good hunter so it is called this.

86 $800 What is a predator? Scores

87 $1000 Most roundworms are ______ even though the one’s we studied were parasitic…

88 What is free-living or non-parasitic?
$1000 What is free-living or non-parasitic? Scores

89 The type of reproduction in worms that involves sperm and an egg.
$200 The type of reproduction in worms that involves sperm and an egg.

90 What is sexual reproduction?
$200 What is sexual reproduction? Scores

91 A planarian can reproduce asexually by doing this.
$400 A planarian can reproduce asexually by doing this.

92 What is regenerating or splitting into two?
$400 What is regenerating or splitting into two? Scores

93 The tapeworm has reproductive organs located here.
$600 The tapeworm has reproductive organs located here.

94 What is in every segment of its body (or proglottids)?
$600 What is in every segment of its body (or proglottids)? Scores

95 $800 An animal that has male and female reproductive organs on one body is called this.

96 What is a hermaphrodite?
$800 What is a hermaphrodite? Scores

97 An example from our worm unit of a hermaphrodite.
$1000 An example from our worm unit of a hermaphrodite.

98 What is a planarian, tapeworm or an earthworm?
$1000 What is a planarian, tapeworm or an earthworm? Scores

99 A slug belongs to this phylum.
$200 A slug belongs to this phylum.

100 $200 What is Mollusk? Scores

101 What are the 3 groups of worms we have been studying.
$400 What are the 3 groups of worms we have been studying.

102 What are flatworms, segmented worms and roundworms?
$400 What are flatworms, segmented worms and roundworms? Scores

103 Daily Double

104 The nautilus belongs to this class of mollusks.
$600 The nautilus belongs to this class of mollusks.

105 $600 What is cephalopods? Scores

106 Clams and oysters belong to this class.
$800 Clams and oysters belong to this class.

107 $800 What is bivalves? Scores

108 The phylum name for tapeworms.

109 What is Platyhelminthes?
$1000 What is Platyhelminthes? Scores

110 $200 The name of the color changing cells in a squid, octopus or cuttlefish.

111 What are chromatophores?
$200 What are chromatophores? Scores

112 The reason an oyster makes a pearl.
$400 The reason an oyster makes a pearl.

113 $400 What is sand gets into the mantle cavity and it bugs them so they want to make it smooth? Scores

114 The way a clam can move around
$600 The way a clam can move around

115 $600 What is bury themselves using their muscular foot to anchor them under the sand and pull themselves under? Scores

116 The method of protection by the tapeworm.
$800 The method of protection by the tapeworm.

117 What is making lots of eggs to increase chances of survival?
$800 What is making lots of eggs to increase chances of survival? Scores

118 The reason the dorsal side of an earthworm is darker
$1000 The reason the dorsal side of an earthworm is darker

119 What is camouflage from above (birds!) by blending into the dirt?
$1000 What is camouflage from above (birds!) by blending into the dirt? Scores

120 An organism with blood but no vessels has this.
$200 An organism with blood but no vessels has this.

121 What is an open circulatory system?
$200 What is an open circulatory system? Scores

122 The internal shell of a squid is called this.
$400 The internal shell of a squid is called this.

123 $400 What is the pen? Scores

124 Cephalopods have this type of circulatory system.
$600 Cephalopods have this type of circulatory system.

125 What is a closed circulatory system?
$600 What is a closed circulatory system? Scores

126 Bivalves have this type of circulatory system
$800 Bivalves have this type of circulatory system

127 What is open circulatory system?
$800 What is open circulatory system? Scores

128 $1000 Do squids have a heart?

129 $1000 What is YES THEY DO? Scores

130 Final Jeopardy Question
Earthworms Final Jeopardy Question Scores

131 Name 2 ways an earthworm makes a gardener happy. 

132 What is digs holes to help aerate the soil & fertilize the soil with its droppings (poop)?

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