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Key Civil War Events.

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1 Key Civil War Events

2 Southern States Seceded
South Carolina 11 states left the union Border states loyal (Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia – new state)

3 Fall of Fort Sumter First battle of the war Northern troops surrendered

4 Battle of Bull Run General P.T. Beauregard (S) easily defeated the untrained Union Showed it would be a long war

5 Battle of Antietam Sept. 1862
Lee (S) wanted a victory on Union soil to gain European support Heavy casualties, but no victor (bloodiest single day in all of Civ. War – 23,000 dead, wounded, or missing Lee retreated, but McClellan (N) didn’t follow Lincoln angry at him but it’s a big moral victory

6 Vicksburg April, 1862 Confederates held on to control of the Mississippi R.

7 Winfield Scott’s ‘Anaconda Plan’
Naval blockade of the south designed to deprive the south of needed import goods and wear them down.

8 Emancipation Proclamation
September 22, 1862 Took effect on January 1, 1863 Used Lee’s retreat at Antietam as a Union victory Freed slaves in Confederacy Europeans less likely to support the Confederacy

9 Gettysburg July 1-3, 1863 Lee lost 1/3 of his forces
General George Meade did not follow the Confederate forces Last major offensive by the South on Union territory

10 Gettysburg Address Reaffirmed purpose of the war
Reminded people of the sacrifices that have been made and not to give up now. Reminded people what we are fighting for – the ideals set forth by our forefathers…especially Liberty and Equality

11 Vicksburg July 4, 1863 General Grant (N) finally victorious
Union gained control of Mississippi R. Lincoln gave Grant control of Union armies

12 From Atlanta to Savannah
September, 1864 General William Sherman ‘Total war’ from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia - “Break the south’s will to fight” *Destroy structures, livestock, railroads, farms, etc - left a trail of bitterness and resentment in minds of southerners

13 Appomattox Court House
April 9, 1865 Lee surrendered to Grant More American lives lost than Revolution to Vietnam combined

14 Lincoln Assassinated John Wilkes Booth, a southern sympathizer, shot him in Ford’s Theater. Booth saw him as the cause of all problems in the country. Country mourns a fallen hero.

15 Legacy of War 600,000 died, more than all other wars combined. Another 600,000 wounded. Slavery ended with passage of 13th Amendment Boosted industry in North Left South destitute and powerless

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