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Map of the pSSE ATCC plasmid.

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1 Map of the pSSE ATCC-43845 plasmid.
Map of the pSSE ATCC plasmid. The thermotolerance islands are indicated as orange regions on the map and demonstrate increased high GC content (black track). pSSE ATCC shares high homology with the backbone of the R478 plasmid (red tBLASTx). Base modification signals generated by BaseModFunctions v2.1.R and Circos are overlaid on the plasmid map. Qmod values are height proportional to the interpulse distance ratio for each of the modified bases on the positive strand (red outermost track) and negative strand (red innermost track). Blue hash marks correspond to the CGCAN8TCNG motifs present on the plasmid. Scott V. Nguyen et al. mSystems 2017; doi: /mSystems

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