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Bexley CEPN Community Education Provider Network

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1 Bexley CEPN Community Education Provider Network
Liz Nicholls Primary Care Tutor

The CEPN is funded by Health Education England. REDUCING BUDGET Governance structure must be robust in order to receive and hold training budget. Funded for bands 1-9 only ( budget specifically for GPs) Separate Management Funding Bidding process for specific projects and roles such as Mentorship £5700 Preceptorship £15000 Medical Assistant £50000 Care navigators £50000 Apprenticeships £57000

3 ETTF Bid NHS England Estates and Technology Transformation Fund
Joint bid with CCG Buildings need staff Staff need to be trained Training needs to be accessible and affordable Provide quality patient services

4 The Vision To be able to provide improved IT infrastructure that would enable practices and the CEPN to use WebEX/video conferencing technology to link virtually with colleagues, other health and social care professionals and patients, whilst improving access to training and cross organisational working such as the development of the Local Care Networks.

5 Funding £194,970 for the overall project.
12 laptops for main training hub and for loan to learners. 5 CleverTouch Smart TVs across Bexley 54 Omnijoin licenses for 5 years 2 per practice Every consulting room and practice manager have headphones speakers and webcams if not already part of PC. 5 x fixed cameras –sessions can be recorded 5 x lapel microphones-for speakers Project manager, installation and maintenance cover costs

6 Benefits Increased productivity within practices, supporting the development of cross organisational working (LCNs) MDT working – virtual attendance – improve QoL for vulnerable patients Financial savings – reduced travel time and venue costs, supporting new ways of working Reduction in future training costs Support Primary Care workforce Connectivity with e-learning platform

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