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Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction

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1 Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction
© Copyright 2015 – all rights reserved

2 How do Sexual and Asexual Reproduction compare?
DNA transfer through sexual reproduction (meiosis) and asexual reproduction (mitosis) equip organisms in different ways for survival. Sexual reproduction: offspring receive chromosomes from two parents. Asexual reproduction: a single parent cell divides into two new cells. © Copyright 2015 – all rights reserved

3 Sexual Reproduction Sexual reproduction is the combining of an egg and sperm. Results in offspring with a combination of physical traits from both parents This is good for variation in genes. Most mammals, birds, and fish reproduce sexually. © Copyright 2015 – all rights reserved

4 Asexual Reproduction One parent produces a new organism identical to itself. Has an exact copy of parent’s DNA Takes place relatively quickly compared to sexual reproduction Ex: bacteria, some plants, and some invertebrates (animals) like sponges, jellyfish, and worms Just for laughs: © Copyright 2015 – all rights reserved

5 What are the characteristics of each of the two types of reproduction?
Same or Different? What are the characteristics of each of the two types of reproduction? Type of Reproduction Number of Parents Mitosis or Meiosis Offspring DNA compared to Parent(s) Time taken How offspring look compared to Parent(s) Sexual Asexual © Copyright 2015 – all rights reserved

6 Same or Different?? Type of Reproduction Number of Parents
Mitosis or Meiosis Offspring DNA compared to Parent(s) Time taken How offspring look compared to Parent(s) Sexual 2 Meiosis Different Longer Different but maybe similar Asexual 1 Mitosis Same/ Identical Shorter © Copyright 2015 – all rights reserved

7 Comparing Asexual and Sexual Reproduction- Advantages and Disadvantages
Name some advantages of sexual reproduction What characteristics would an organism have that would make sexual reproduction more beneficial for that organism? Name some advantages of asexual reproduction What characteristics would an organism have that would make asexual reproduction more beneficial for that organism? For sexual reproduction-organisms are typically multicellular and able to move. Advantages would be better genetic diversity allowing for better chances for adaptation. For asexual reproduction-organisms are typically unicellular and smaller (many microscopic) and many also unable to move freely (sessile). Advantages would be no need to find a mate and reproduction at a faster rate than in sexual reproduction. © Copyright 2015 – all rights reserved

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