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Introduction to Assessment and Standards Professor Mark Schofield

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1 Introduction to Assessment and Standards Professor Mark Schofield
Dean of Teaching and Learning Development

2 Assessment and Feedback
How would you define ‘assessment’? What purposes does assessment have? What tools and methods do you use to promote valid and reliable assessment? How do you provide feedback to your students? What do you see as the key issues regarding feedback, from a student’s perspective?... … and from the teacher’s perspective?

3 Assessment and Feedback (contd)
What would you consider to be ‘good practice’ in feedback? How can external examiners assist in the assurance of assessment methodologies and practice?

4 Group activity (1): The external examiner’s report
Considering the sample external examiner report in your packs, identify any good practice or areas for improvement within: The narrative – is it comprehensive and clear? Are the questions answered in sufficient detail? Are there any gaps? Where might responses have been improved? The template – are the questions sufficient to establish the appropriateness of standards and effectiveness of assessment? What would you add or change?

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