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Coach Kuntz United States History

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1 Coach Kuntz United States History
The Judicial Branch Coach Kuntz United States History

2 Roles of the Judicial Branch
-Rule on cases where federal law was violated -Decide if decisions from lower courts were correct -Listen to cases involving multiple states -Decide if laws passed by Congress or if Presidential acts are unconstitutional.

3 Judicial Branch Qualifications
-The Constitution does not list any requirements to be a federal court judge. -Judges must be nominated by the President and approved by Congress. -Judges serve for LIFE! They either die in office, resign/retire, or are impeached and convicted.

4 Setting up the Courts -The United States Constitution:
Created a Supreme Court Gave Congress the ability to establish any other Federal Courts they needed. -In 1789, Congress set up a system of lower courts. These lower Courts are the District Courts and the Court of Appeals

5 3 Major Steps in the Federal System
# of Courts 1 Supreme Court 12 Court of Appeals 91 District Court

6 Lower Courts -Most cases begin in the District Courts. Judges or juries hear a case and make a decision (a ruling). -If a party disagrees with the decision of the judge or jury, they can appeal the decision to a higher course. Appeal- asking that a decision be reviewed by a higher court. -Decisions made in district courts can be appealed to a United State Court of Appeals (Also called “Appellate Courts”) -Appellate Court judges decide if district court judges interpreted and applied the law correctly.

7 The Supreme Court -This Court has 8 Justices and 1 Chief Justice (9 judges total). -The Supreme court is considered the “highest court in the land”- Its decision is final. -The Court typically only hears appeals from lower courts. -Main Job: Judicial Review (determining if executive and legislative action is unconstitutional).

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