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Horizontal Guidance on Wetlands

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Presentation on theme: "Horizontal Guidance on Wetlands"— Presentation transcript:

1 Horizontal Guidance on Wetlands
SCG Meeting, 27th and 28th October, 2003

2 Participants to the drafting process:
European Commission 12 Member States 5 New Member States 2 Applicant Countries 1 Expert Team 2 Stakeholders Austria; Belgium; Bulgaria; Czech Republic; Denmark; DG RTD – Evaluwet Project; EEB; European Commission; France; Finland; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Lithuania; Netherlands; Romania; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; UK; WWF.

3 Objective of the work according to the ToR endorsed in Copenhagen, November 2002
WFD requirements (wetlands) Role of wetlands (PoM) Common text for guidance documents Wetlands in RBM and PRB

4 Version 4.0 presented at last SCG meeting May 5th 2003, Brussels

5 ‘open issues’ presented to SCG
Hydromorphological elements and their role; Chapter 5: the programme of measures and wetlands (basic and supplementary measures); Monitoring and wetlands; Ramsar Convention and WFD links; ‘Small water bodies’ and wetlands

6 Conclusions following SCG meeting

7 Presentation at Italian WDM
Time schedule for finalisation extended Presentation at Italian WDM

8 Issues raised by SCG: Provide clear distinction between WFD obligations & suggested potential best practices for wetlands; Seek input from groundwater experts via EAF on Groundwater; Clarify role of wetlands in programme of measures;

9 Clarify which obligations in relation to wetlands are linked to WFD implementation stages;
Address specific hydro-geographic situation of certain countries e.g. Netherlands Consider possibility of moving the Monitoring chapter to an Annex

10 New round of comments following SCG meeting

11 3rd Wetlands Group Meeting,
Rome, 12th - 13th June 2003

12 Participants Austria: Birgit Vogel; Commission: Marta Moren;
Evaluwet: Edward Maltby; EEB: Ruth Davis; France: Marie-Francoise Bazerque; Marie-Claude Ximenes; Germany: Stephan Naumann; Italy: Rachel Bindless; Nicola Pacini; Giorgio Pineschi Netherlands: Marc de Rooy; Tom Verboom; Romania; Valeria Grigoras; United Kingdom; Peter Pollard

13 The Rome meeting; “drafting” members included new experts from MS which expressed concerns during the SCG; The text was revised paragraph by paragraph during the meeting; A general agreement was reached on the changes to be done; Agreed drafting tasks were distributed among participants

14 Main revisions to: Chapter 3: WFD Environmental Objectives & Wetlands;
Chapter 4: Relationship between wetlands systems and HMWBs; Chapter 7: Programme of Measures & Wetlands Chapter 9: Conclusions Annex II: Functions & Values Case Studies throughout the text

Ecosystems relevant to the achievement of WFD objectives Ecosystems significantly influencing the quality or quantity of water reaching surface water bodies or surface water connected to surface water bodies Wetlands River, lake, transitional water or coastal water body Terrestrial ecosystems directly dependent on groundwater bodies Small elements of surface water not identified as water body but connected to surface water body Riparian, shore or intertidal zone hydromorphological quality elements of surface water bodies


17 Athens: Water Directors Meeting, June, 2003
Clearly distinguish between the legal requirements under the Directive and best practices going beyond these obligations Actions under the RAMSAR convention and the WFD should not be mixed Simplify and shorten the document

18 ACTIONS TAKEN New comments integrated, Chapters revised Integrated further with HMWB & HGIWB Ramsar & WFD were not mixed, to be addressed during PRB testing Clear distinction made between WFD requirements and recommended best practices New text simplified as much as possible

19 Development phases 26th June 2003 Version 5.0,
Barcelona, 1st & 2nd July, 2003 Minor comments integrated in Version 5.1 1st August, 2003 Version 6.0, Minor comments to version 6.0: Version 6.1 Final Draft Version 7.0, disseminated 7th October, uploaded to CIRCA

20 Version 7.0 developed following a transparent drafting process
Version 7.0 supported by all members of the drafting group

21 Issues raised by SCG: Provide clear distinction between WFD obligations & suggested potential best practices for wetlands; Clear labelling of best practice recommendations Seek input from groundwater experts via EAF on Groundwater; EAF Groundwater provided support to Chapter 3

22 Clarify role of wetlands in programme of measures;
Text shortened & simplified & brought in line with WFD Clarify which obligations in relation to wetlands are linked to WFD implementation stages; Obligations in relation to wetlands are linked to all stages of WFD implementation although a minor component thereof

23 Address specific hydrogeographies e.g. Netherlands
Checked that requirements would not lead to excessive administrative burden; Netherlands case studies added Consider possibility of moving the Monitoring chapter to an Annex Chapter brought in line with the Monitoring + IMPRESS Guidance Documents wetland monitoring procedures left for further work

24 Version 7.0 Contents Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Identifying wetlands under the WFD Chapter 3: WFD environmental objectives and wetlands Chapter 4: The relationship between wetland systems and HMWB’s Chapter 5: Protected Areas and the WFD

25 Chapter 6: Wetlands & the impacts & pressures analysis
Chapter 7: The programme of measures and wetlands Chapter 8: monitoring and wetlands Chapter 9 Conclusions Annex I: wetlands functions and values

26 Wetlands GD Version 7.0: what do we have?
A crosscutting GD integrating elements of other GDs 19 case studies; best practices and ground truths Linking single elements across the river basin Wetlands GD Version 7.0: what do we have? Ramsar and WFD? Transparent process agreed upon by all WG members Integrates conclusions of experts, managers & stakeholders best practice recommendations for MS

27 None CONTENT AGREED by drafting group
Open issues? None CONTENT AGREED by drafting group

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